Official websites use .gov
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

Secure .gov websites use HTTPS
A lock ( ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.


Showing 2 matching records.
Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management C-SCRM
NEW! Request for Information | Evaluating and Improving NIST Cybersecurity Resources: The NIST Cybersecurity Framework and Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management  --> Latest updates: Completed errata update of Special Publication (SP) 800-161r1 (Revision 1), Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management Practices for Systems and Organizations to clarify NIST guidance on aspects such as vulnerability advisory reports and software bill of materials and fix errors like inaccurate numbering of...
NIST Risk Management Framework RMF
Recent Updates July 24, 2024: NIST releases SP 1314, NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) Small Enterprise Quick Start Guide, designed to introduce the RMF to small, under-resourced entities. April 10, 2024: NIST releases introductory courses for SP 800-53, SP 800-53A, and SP 800-53B. Each 45-60 minute course provides a high-level overview of the SP 800-53 controls, SP 800-53A assessment procedures, and SP 800-53B control baselines. January 31, 2024: NIST seeks to update and improve...