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Agenda Introduction and Overview 9:00 – 9:25 ET Sanjay Rekhi - NIST Kevin Stine - NIST Hardware Development Lifecycle 9:30 – 10:30 ET Jonathan Ring – Office of the National Cyber Director Adam Golodner - Semiconductor Industry Association Matt Areno – Intel Michael Ogata – NIST 10:30 – 10:45 ET Break Metrology 10:45 – 11:45 ET Lok Yan – DARPA Mark Tehranipoor – University of Florida Jason Oberg – Cycuity, Inc. Nelson Hastings – NIST 11:45 – 12:45 ET Lunch...
The Federal Cybersecurity and Privacy Professionals Forum is an informal group sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to promote the sharing of system security and privacy information among federal, state, and local government, and higher education employees. The Forum maintains an extensive e-mail list and holds quarterly meetings to discuss current issues and items of interest to those responsible for protecting non-national security systems. For more information about the Forum and instructions on how to join, see:
The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0 is now available, along with many supplementary resources.
Abstract: This document describes the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST’s) approach to mapping the elements of documentary standards, regulations, frameworks, and guidelines to a particular NIST publication, such as Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) Subcategories or SP 800-53r5 controls. This...
Abstract: This guide provides an introduction to using the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0 for planning and integrating an enterprise-wide process for integrating cybersecurity risk management information, as a subset of information and communications technology risk management, into enterprise risk ma...
Abstract: Use the CSF to Improve Your C-SCRM Processes. The CSF can help an organization become a smart acquirer and supplier of technology products and services. This guide focuses on two ways the CSF can help you: 1)Use the CSF’s GV.SC Category to establish and operate a C-SCRM capability. 2) Define and com...
Abstract: The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0 introduced the term “Community Profiles” to reflect the use of the CSF for developing use case-specific cybersecurity risk management guidance for multiple organizations. This guide provides considerations for creating and using Community Profiles to help i...
Abstract: Information and communications technology (ICT) domains — such as cybersecurity, privacy, and Internet of Things (IoT) — have many requirements and recommendations made by national and international standards, guidelines, frameworks, and regulations. An Online Informative Reference (OLIR) provides a...
Abstract: The National Online Informative References (OLIR) Program is a NIST effort to facilitate standardized definitions of Online Informative References (OLIRs) by subject matter experts. OLIRs are relationships between elements of documents from cybersecurity, privacy, and other information and communica...
Abstract: The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0 provides guidance to industry, government agencies, and other organizations to manage cybersecurity risks. It offers a taxonomy of high-level cybersecurity outcomes that can be used by any organization — regardless of its size, sector, or maturity — to bett...
Abstract: This guide provides small-to-medium sized businesses (SMB), specifically those who have modest or no cybersecurity plans in place, with considerations to kick-start their cybersecurity risk management strategy by using the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0. The guide also can assist other relat...
Abstract: This Quick-Start Guide gives an overview of creating and using organizational profiles for NIST CSF 2.0. An Organizational Profile describes an organization’s current and/or target cybersecurity posture in terms of cybersecurity outcomes from the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) Core. Organizational Pr...
Abstract: This brief report presents a high-level overview of the CSF 2.0 and provides links to relevant resources such as the CSF 2.0 specification and supporting Quick-Start Guides.
Abstract: This Quick-Start Guide describes how to apply the CSF 2.0 Tiers. CSF Tiers can be applied to CSF Organizational Profiles to characterize the rigor of an organization’s cybersecurity risk governance and management outcomes. This can help provide context on how an organization views cybersecurity risk...
Abstract: Attacks that target data are of concern to companies and organizations across many industries. Data breaches represent a threat that can have monetary, reputational, and legal impacts. This guide seeks to provide guidance concerning the threat of data breaches, exemplifying standards and technologie...
Abstract: Attacks that target data are of concern to companies and organizations across many industries. Data breaches represent a threat that can have monetary, reputational, and legal impacts. This guide seeks to provide guidance around the threat of data breaches, exemplifying standards and technologies th...
Autonomous systems are increasingly seen in safety-critical domains, such as self-driving vehicles and autonomous aircraft. Unfortunately, methods developed for ultra-reliable software, such as avionics, depend on measures of structural coverage that do not apply to neural networks or other black-box functions often used in machine learning. This problem is recognized and teams are seeking solutions in aviation and other fields. As one notes, "How do we determine that the data gathered to train an AI system is suitably representative of the real world?[1]" This key question is currently...