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NIST announce the release of 3 Special Publications (SP) - SP 800-83 Revision 1, SP 800-40 Revision 3, and SP 800-165
July 23, 2013

  1. Special Publication 800-83 Revision 1 
    NIST announces the final release of NIST Special Publication 800-83 (SP), Revision 1 Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling for Desktops and Laptops. Malware is the most common external threat to most hosts, causing widespread damage and disruption and necessitating extensive recovery efforts within most organizations. This publication provides recommendations for improving an organization's malware incident prevention measures. It also gives extensive recommendations for enhancing an organization's existing incident response capability so that it is better prepared to handle malware incidents, particularly widespread ones. Draft SP 800-83 Revision 1 replaces the original SP 800-83, which was released in 2005. 
  2. Special Publication 800-40 Revision 3
    NIST announces the final release of NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-40, Revision 3 Guide to Enterprise Patch Management Technologies. Patch management is the process for identifying, acquiring, installing, and verifying patches for products and systems. This publication is designed to assist organizations in understanding the basics of enterprise patch management technologies. It explains the importance of patch management and examines the challenges inherent in performing patch management. It provides an overview of enterprise patch management technologies and it also briefly discusses metrics for measuring the technologies' effectiveness. NIST SP 800-40 Revision 3 complements the previous release (version 2), which was published in 2005. 
  3. Special Publication 800-165
    NIST Computer Security Division announces the release of NIST Special Publication 800-1652012 Computer Security Division Annual Report. This annual report provides the important highlights and accomplishments that the NIST Computer Security Division has completed during FY2012.


Created December 22, 2016, Updated June 22, 2020