Abstract. In this presentation, I will introduce an intended submission from a multi-institution team of 12 members. Our submission aims at threshold protocols for NIST-approved symmetric-key primitives. We aim at protocols secure against active adversaries corrupting n-1 parties. We plan to submit a holistic package including all ingredients needed to build an efficient MPC protocol for any Boolean circuits and their application to any NIST-approved symmetric-key primitives (e.g., AES, SHA-2/3). Our submission consists of basic primitives (oblivious transfer, correlation robust hash functions, garbling schemes), building blocks (authenticated Beaver triples, distributed garbling schemes), and end-to-end protocols. Our submission will be accompanied by an analysis of concrete security, implementation, and discussions in the adaptive setting.
MPTS 2023: NIST Workshop on Multi-party Threshold Schemes 2023
Starts: September 26, 2023Virtual
Security and Privacy: cryptography