Module Name
IBM® z/OS® Version 1 Release 12 System SSL Cryptographic Module
Historical Reason
RNG SP800-131A Revision 1 Transition
When operated in FIPS mode
Security Level Exceptions
- Cryptographic Module Specification: Level 3
Module Type
Multi-chip standalone
System SSL is a set of generic services provided in z/OS to protect TCP/IP communications using the SSL/TLS protocol. System SSL is exploited by many SSL enabled servers and clients in z/OS to meet the transport security constraints required in an On Demand environment. The System SSL APIs are also externalized to customer applications. System SSL has evolved through the latest releases of z/OS to support the new TLS (Transaction Layer Security) standard, to reach an unmatched level of performance and to extend the APIs available to applications to new functions.
Tested Configuration(s)
- Crypto Express3 Card (Accelerator (CEX3A)) and Crypto Express3 Cards (Coprocessor (CEX3C) and Accelerator (CEX3A))] [IBM® zEnterprise (TM) (z196) with CP Assist for Cryptographic Functions DES/TDES Enablement Feature 3863 includes FC3863 w/System Driver Level 86E and z/OS® V1R12] (single-user mode)
- IBM® zEnterprise (TM) 196 (z196) with CP Assist for Cryptographic Functions DES/TDES Enablement Feature 3863 [Base GPC, and optional Crypto Express3 Card (Coprocessor (CEX3C))
Other Algorithms
Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength); RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 150 bits of encryption strength; non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength); DES; RC2; ArcFour; MD5; MD2; ECDSA (non-compliant)
Hardware Versions
FC3863 w/System Driver Level 86E, and optional CEX3A and CEX3C [CEX3A and CEX3C are separately configured versions of 4765-001 (P/N 45D6048)]
Software Versions
System SSL level HCPT3C0/JCPT3C1 w/ APAR OA34156, RACF level HRF7770 and ICSF level HCR7770 w/ APAR OA34205
Firmware Versions
4765-001 (e1ced7a0)