Module Name
Harris Unified Audio Card
When operated in FIPS mode
Multi-chip embedded
The Harris UAC is a multi-channel analog audio gateway used to interface analog radio communication equipment such as conventional base stations to radio systems and other devices on a Voice Interoperability Data Access (VIDA) network.
Other Algorithms
AES MAC (AES Cert. #1652, vendor affirmed; P25 AES OTAR)
Hardware Versions
EA-103168-002 Rev. -, EA-103168-002 Rev. A, EA-103168-002 Rev. B, EA-103168-002 Rev. C, EA-103168-002 Rev. D
Firmware Versions
MPC 860: SK-007765-007 v R03A08 or R04G01, DSP: SK-007765-013 v R03A05 or R04E03, Boot Loader / Factory Test: R03A02, Low Level Boot: R01D01 and DSP Factory Test: R01D02