Module Name
IntelliCom WAN 1720
Historical Reason
RNG SP800-131A Revision 1 Transition
Security Level Exceptions
Multi-chip standalone
IntelliCom™ WAN Mesh Node, a wireless high-speed wide-area networking router that combines ultra-high throughput - up to 400 Mbps - with extremely low latencies of less than one millisecond. IntelliCom WAN Mesh Node features 802.11n mesh radio latencies of less than one millisecond. IntelliCom WAN Mesh Node features 802.11n mesh radio unlicensed bands as well as the 4.9-GHz municipal licensed band. This network architecture is selfforming and self-healing; communication is not inhibited by the loss of any single node.
Other Algorithms
AES (non-compliant); RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 80 bits of encryption strength; non-compliant)
Hardware Versions
IntelliCom WAN 1720
Firmware Versions