Module Name
CAT904 Dolby® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor
Historical Reason
RNG SP800-131A Revision 1 Transition
The module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified by available entropy
Security Level Exceptions
- Mitigation of Other Attacks: N/A
Multi-chip embedded
The CAT904 Dolby® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor performs all the cryptography, license management, and video decoding functions for the DSP100 Dolby Show Player, which forms the nucleus of the Dolby Digital Cinema system. The system offers superb picture quality, outstanding reliability, and the highest level of security in the business. It includes support for JPEG 2000 playback, as specified by DCI, and MPEG-2 for compatibility with alternative content such as preshow advertising. The system also meets other key DCI specifications for security, data rate, and storage capacity.
Other Algorithms
MD5; RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength); TLS KDF
Hardware Versions
P/N CAT904Z Revisions FIPS_1.0, FIPS_1.0.1, FIPS_1.0.2 and FIPS_1.1
Firmware Versions