Module Name
Luna® PCI-e Cryptographic Module
Historical Reason
Moved to historical list in accordance with SP800-131A Revision 1 Transition (AES/TDES key wrapping)
This validation entry is a non-security relevant modification to Cert. #1694
Multi-Chip Embedded
The Luna PCI-e cryptographic module is a multi-chip embedded hardware cryptographic module in the form of a PCI-Express card that typically resides within a custom computing or secure communications appliance. The cryptographic module is contained in its own secure enclosure that provides physical resistance to tampering. The cryptographic boundary of the module is defined to encompass all components inside the secure enclosure on the PCI-e card.
Approved Algorithms
Certs. #1743, #1750 and #1756 |
Cert. #114 |
Certs. #545, #546 and #548 |
Certs. #230, #231 and #233 |
Certs. #1021 and #1027 |
Cert. #23 |
SP 800-108, vendor affirmed |
Certs. #865 and #870 |
Certs. #1531 and #1537 |
Triple-DES |
Certs. #1130, #1134 and #1137 |
Triple-DES MAC |
Triple-DES Certs. #1130, #1134 and #1137, vendor-affirmed |
Other Algorithms
ARIA; AES (Certs. #1743, #1750 and #1756, key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength); AES MAC (Cert. #1750; non-compliant); CAST5; CAST5-MAC; DES; DES MAC; Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 128 bits of encryption strength); HAS-160; KCDSA; MD2; MD5; RC2; RC2-MAC; RC4; RC5; RC5-MAC; RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 152 bits of encryption strength; non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength); SEED; Triple-DES (Certs. #1130, #1134 and #1137, key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength; non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength)
Hardware Versions
VBD-05-0100, VBD-05-0101 and VBD-05-0103
Firmware Versions
6.2.1 and 6.2.5