Module Name
Check Point Cryptographic Library
Historical Reason
SP 800-56Arev3 transition - replaced by certificate #4264
When operated in FIPS mode and installed, initialized and configured as specified in the Security Policy Section 3 Secure Operation
Security Level Exceptions
- Mitigation of Other Attacks: N/A
Multi-Chip Stand Alone
The Check Point Cryptographic Library is a firmware module that provides cryptographic services to Check Point products. The module provides a number of NIST validated cryptographic algorithms for services such as IPSec and TLS. The module provides applications with a library interface that enables them to access the various cryptographic algorithm functions supplied by the module. For the purposes of FIPS 140-2 testing, the module was evaluated running on the Check Point 12400 appliance.
Tested Configuration(s)
- Check Point 12400 appliance with Check Point OS Version R77.30
Allowed Algorithms
Diffie-Hellman (CVL Cert. #920, key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 128 bits of encryption strength); NDRNG; RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 or 128 bits of encryption strength)