Module Name
Summit Linux FIPS Core Crypto Module
When operated in FIPS mode. When installed, initialized and configured as specified in Section 10.1 of the Security Policy.
Security Level Exceptions
- Mitigation of Other Attacks: N/A
Module Type
Multi-Chip Stand Alone
Ezurio's 60 Series SOM and WB50NBT bring all of Ezurio's industry competence and capabilities into one solution. The SOM provides superior enterprise-class Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. This solution is equipped with a Cortex A5 applications processor, wireless and wired connectivity, enterprise-grade security, LCD support for the 60 Series SOM, and comprehensive Linux board support package (BSP). The 60 SOM is the ideal system-on-module, and the WB50NBT, the ideal wireless bridge for devices that require superior connectivity.
Tested Configuration(s)
- Summit Linux 7.1 on ATSAMA5D31 (WB50NBT)
- Summit Linux 7.1 on ATSAMA5D36 (SU60-SOMC) (single-user mode)
Allowed Algorithms
NDRNG; RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength)
Hardware Versions