New techniques for reducing the depth of circuits for cryptographic applications are described and applied to the AES S-box. These techniques also keep the number of gates quite small. The result, when applied to the AES S-box, is a circuit with depth 16 and only 128 gates. For the inverse, it is also depth 16 and has only 127 gates. There is a shared middle part, common to both the S-box and its inverse, consisting of 63 gates.
New techniques for reducing the depth of circuits for cryptographic applications are described and applied to the AES S-box. These techniques also keep the number of gates quite small. The result, when applied to the AES S-box, is a circuit with depth 16 and only 128 gates. For the inverse, it is...
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New techniques for reducing the depth of circuits for cryptographic applications are described and applied to the AES S-box. These techniques also keep the number of gates quite small. The result, when applied to the AES S-box, is a circuit with depth 16 and only 128 gates. For the inverse, it is also depth 16 and has only 127 gates. There is a shared middle part, common to both the S-box and its inverse, consisting of 63 gates.
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