This document provides guidance for technical managers for the reduction of risk to their computer systems and networks from attack by computer viruses, unauthorized users, and related threats. The guidance discusses the combined use of policies, procedures, and controls to address security vulnerabilities that can leave systems open to attack. The aim of this document is not to provide solutions to the wide range of specific problems or vulnerabilities, rather it is to help technical managers administer their systems and networks such that manifestations of viruses and related threats can be initially prevented, detected, and contained.
This document provides guidance for technical managers for the reduction of risk to their computer systems and networks from attack by computer viruses, unauthorized users, and related threats. The guidance discusses the combined use of policies, procedures, and controls to address security...
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This document provides guidance for technical managers for the reduction of risk to their computer systems and networks from attack by computer viruses, unauthorized users, and related threats. The guidance discusses the combined use of policies, procedures, and controls to address security vulnerabilities that can leave systems open to attack. The aim of this document is not to provide solutions to the wide range of specific problems or vulnerabilities, rather it is to help technical managers administer their systems and networks such that manifestations of viruses and related threats can be initially prevented, detected, and contained.
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computer security; system administration; threats and vulnerabilities