Further development of this draft has ceased (May 05, 2018).
NIST Cloud Computing Security Reference Architecture
Date Published: May 2013
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
The NIST Cloud Computing Security Working Group (NCC-SWG) issued Draft SP 500-299, NIST Cloud Computing Security Reference Architecture, in May 2013.
The purpose of this document is to define a NIST Cloud Computing Security Reference Architecture (NCC-SRA)--a framework that: i) identifies a core set of Security Components that can be implemented in a Cloud Ecosystem to secure the environment, the operations, and the data migrated to the cloud; ii) provides, for each Cloud Actor, the core set of Security Components that fall under their responsibilities depending on the deployment and service models; iii) defines a security-centric formal architectural model that adds a security layer to the current NIST SP 500-292, "NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture"; and iv) provides several approaches for analyzing the collected and aggregated data.
The purpose of this document is to define a NIST Cloud Computing Security Reference Architecture (NCC-SRA)--a framework that: i) identifies a core set of Security Components that can be implemented in a Cloud Ecosystem to secure the environment, the operations, and the data migrated to the cloud;...
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The purpose of this document is to define a NIST Cloud Computing Security Reference Architecture (NCC-SRA)--a framework that: i) identifies a core set of Security Components that can be implemented in a Cloud Ecosystem to secure the environment, the operations, and the data migrated to the cloud; ii) provides, for each Cloud Actor, the core set of Security Components that fall under their responsibilities depending on the deployment and service models; iii) defines a security-centric formal architectural model that adds a security layer to the current NIST SP 500-292, "NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture"; and iv) provides several approaches for analyzing the collected and aggregated data.
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computer security; cloud computing
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None selected
SP 500-299 (Draft) (pdf)
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None available
Document History:
05/05/13: SP 500-299 (Draft)