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NIST SP 800-227 (Initial Public Draft)

Recommendations for Key-Encapsulation Mechanisms

Date Published: January 7, 2025
Comments Due: March 7, 2025
Email Comments to:


Gorjan Alagic (NIST), Elaine Barker (NIST), Lily Chen (NIST), Dustin Moody (NIST), Angela Robinson (NIST), Hamilton Silberg (NIST), Noah Waller (NIST)


NIST recently published FIPS 203, Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism Standard, to update its cryptographic standards with an algorithm designed to provide protection from quantum attacks.  In addition, NIST will select one or two additional quantum-resistant key-encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) for standardization. To provide guidance on using KEMs, NIST is introducing SP 800-227, Recommendations for Key Encapsulation Mechanisms.  This draft document describes the basic definitions, properties, and applications of KEMs. It also provides recommendations for implementing and using KEMs in a secure manner.

The public comment period is open through March 7, 2025.

NIST will also hold a virtual Workshop on Guidance for KEMs on February 25-26, 2025, to gather additional feedback on SP 800-227.



cryptography; encryption; key-encapsulation mechanism; key establishment; public-key cryptography
Control Families

None selected


Download URL

Supplemental Material:
Virtual Workshop (Feb. 25-26)

Document History:
01/07/25: SP 800-227 (Draft)


Security and Privacy

key management, post-quantum cryptography