Date Published: November 14, 2022
Comments Due: February 27, 2023 (public comment period is CLOSED)
Email Questions to:
This working draft of SP 800-55 Revision 2 is an annotated outline that will enable further community discussions and feedback. Comments received by the deadline will be incorporated to the extent practicable. NIST will then post a complete public draft of SP 800-55 Rev. 2 for an additional comment period.
The comment period is open through February 13, February 27, 2023. Submit comments to with “Comment on NIST SP 800-55r2 initial working draft” in the subject field.
Submitted comments, including attachments and other supporting materials, will become part of the public record and are subject to public disclosure. Personally identifiable information and confidential business information should not be included (e.g., account numbers, Social Security numbers, names of other individuals). Comments that contain profanity, vulgarity, threats, or other inappropriate language will not be posted or considered.
Note to Reviewers
We seek input on the changes being proposed to SP 800-55. New sections are noted as new additions to SP 800-55. Many are also marked by a “Note to Reviewer” with a request for feedback. These questions are meant to facilitate discussion and should not discourage input on any other topics within this annotated outline. There are three additional questions for reviewer consideration. These questions are:
This working draft also has sections with only minor planned changes marked as “intentionally left out of this review cycle” to allow for readers to focus on the more substantial proposed changes. The Initial Public Draft will include the full proposed text for all sections of the document. Feedback is still welcome on the sections not highlighted in this Initial Working Draft.
None selected
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Supplemental Material:
None available
Document History:
09/24/20: SP 800-55 Rev. 2 (Draft)
11/14/22: SP 800-55 Rev. 2 (Draft)
01/17/24: SP 800-55 Vol. 1 (Draft)
12/04/24: SP 800-55 Vol. 1 (Final)
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