Date Published: August 2017
Comments Due: August 30, 2017 (public comment period is CLOSED)
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NIST requests public comments on the release of Draft Special Publication 800-70 Revision 4, National Checklist Program for IT Products: Guidelines for Checklist Users and Developers. Using security configuration checklists to verify the configuration of information technology (IT) products and identify unauthorized configuration changes can minimize product attack surfaces, reduce vulnerabilities, and lessen the impact of successful attacks. To facilitate development of checklists and to make checklists more organized and usable, NIST established the National Checklist Program (NCP). This publication explains how to use the NCP to find and retrieve checklists, and it also describes the policies, procedures, and general requirements for participation in the NCP.
Audit and Accountability; Configuration Management; System and Communications Protection
Draft SP 800-70 Rev. 4 (pdf)
Supplemental Material:
None available
Document History:
08/01/17: SP 800-70 Rev. 4 (Draft)
audit & accountability, configuration management, security automation, vulnerability management
Technologies Laws and RegulationsCyber Security R&D Act, Federal Information Security Modernization Act, OMB Circular A-130