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The PEC project in the Cryptographic Technology Group (CTG), Computer Security Division (CSD), Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), at NIST accompanies the progress of emerging technologies in the area of privacy-enhancing cryptography (PEC). News: WPEC 2024: NIST Workshop on Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography (Sept 24–26). Slides and videos are available. News: STPPA #7: Special Topics on Privacy and Public Auditability, Event 7 (2025-Jan-16), with talks on timelock encryption, witness encryption and deniable encryption. The PEC project seeks to promote the development of reference...
The NCCoE has posted an intial public draft of NIST Internal Report 8374r1, "Ransomware Risk Management: A Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 Community Profile," for comment. The public comment period is open through March 14, 2025.
Thanks for helping shape our ransomware guidance! We've published an initial public draft of NISTIR 8374 Revision 1, Ransomware Risk Management: A Cybersecurity Framework Profile. It reflects changes made to the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) from CSF 1.1 to CSF 2.0 which identifies security objectives that support managing, detecting, responding to, and recovering from ransomware events. The public comment period is open until March 14, 2025. Please send your feedback about this initial public draft and what content would be most valuable in future NIST ransomware guidance to...
Abstract: Ransomware is a type of malicious attack where attackers encrypt an organization’s data and demand payment to restore access. Attackers may also steal an organization’s information and demand an additional payment in return for not disclosing the information to authorities, competitors, or the publi...
Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) in nonfederal systems and organizations is critical to federal agencies. The suite of guidance (NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-171, SP 800-171A, SP 800-172, and SP 800-172A) focuses on protecting the confidentiality of CUI and recommends specific security requirements to achieve that objective. Recent Updates January 8, 2025: The public comment period on the initial public draft (ipd) of SP 800-172r3 (Revision 3), Enhanced Security Requirements for Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) is extended until January...
The NIST OSCAL team is hosting a series of monthly mini workshops that aims to address topics of interest for our community and to open this forum for its members to present their OSCAL-related work. Unless specifically stated, the workshops will not require a deep, technical understanding of OSCAL, and the dialog is informal, allowing the community to interact with the presenters and with the OSCAL team members. Call for Proposals The NIST OSCAL Mini Workshop program committee is seeking timely, topical, and thought-provoking technical presentations or demonstrations highlighting OSCAL...
Workshops Date September 24-26, 2025 tentative Sixth PQC Standardization Conference (In-Person) Venue: TBD Maryland, USA April 10-12, 2024 Fifth PQC Standardization Conference (In-Person) Hilton Washington DC/Rockville Hotel Rockville, MD Call for Papers November 29- December 1, 2022 Fourth PQC Standardization Conference Virtual Call for Papers June 7-9, 2021 Third PQC Standardization Conference...
Combinatorial testing is being applied successfully in nearly every industry, and is especially valuable for assurance of high-risk software with safety or security concerns. Combinatorial testing is referred to as effectively exhaustive, or pseudo-exhaustive, because it can be as effective as fully exhaustive testing, while reducing test set size by 20X to more than 100X. Case studies below are from many types of applications, including aerospace, automotive, autonomous systems, cybersecurity, financial systems, video games, industrial controls, telecommunications, web applications, and...
This report (NIST IR 8498) provides practical cybersecurity guidance for small-scale solar inverter implementations that are typically used in homes and small businesses.
Abstract: This report provides practical cybersecurity guidance for small-scale solar inverter implementations that are typically used in homes and small businesses. These guidelines are informed by a review of known smart-inverter vulnerabilities documented in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), a rev...
ABOUT: Cyber risk has become a topic of core strategic concern for business and government leaders worldwide and is an essential component of an enterprise risk management strategy. The Software and Supply Chain Assurance Forum (SSCA) provides a venue for government, industry, and academic participants from around the world to share their knowledge and expertise regarding software and supply chain risks, effective practices and mitigation strategies, tools and technologies, and any gaps related to the people, processes, or technologies involved. The effort is co-led by the National Institute...
NEW! Request for Information | Evaluating and Improving NIST Cybersecurity Resources: The NIST Cybersecurity Framework and Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management --> Latest updates: Completed errata update of Special Publication (SP) 800-161r1 (Revision 1), Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management Practices for Systems and Organizations to clarify NIST guidance on aspects such as vulnerability advisory reports and software bill of materials and fix errors like inaccurate numbering of control enhancements. (11/01/2024) Released SP 1326, an Initial Public Draft (ipd) of NIST...
Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity (May 12, 2021). For more information, see this other NIST site.
The second public draft of NIST Internal Report (IR) 8467, "Genomic Data Cybersecurity and Privacy Frameworks Community Profile" and the initial public draft of NIST Cybersecurity White Paper (CSWP) 35, "Cybersecurity Threat Modeling the Genomic Data Sequencing Workflow" are open for public comment through January 30, 2025.
Abstract: Advancements in genomic sequencing technologies are accelerating the speed and volume of data collection, sequencing, and analysis. However, this progress also heightens cybersecurity and privacy risks. This Genomic Data Cybersecurity and Privacy Frameworks Community Profile (“Genomic Data Profile”)...
Cloud computing has become the core accelerator of the US Government's digital business transformation. NIST is establishing a Multi-Cloud Security Public Working Group (MCSPWG) to research best practices for securing complex cloud solutions involving multiple service providers and multiple clouds. The White House Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity highlights that “the Federal Government needs to make bold changes and significant investments in order to defend the vital institutions that underpin the American way of life” by focusing “the full scope of its authorities...
ISPAB Charter for 2024-2026. ISPAB Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2024 ISPAB Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2023 ISPAB Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2022 ISPAB Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2021 ISPAB Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2020 ISPAB Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2019 Annual reports for 1995 - 2018 are found on the GSA web page at: Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) . When you reach the site, please select “The Annual Report of the President on Federal Advisory Committees – 1972-1998.” ( To view reports and...
Credits: Ned Goren NED GOREN IT Specialist ITL/CSD/SSA NIST Nedim Goren (Ned) is a security researcher for the NIST Secure Systems and Applications Group. Prior to that Ned was a member of the RMF (FISMA) Team at NIST. Prior to joining NIST, he served as a security control assessor and lead ISSO at the Census Bureau. Ned started conducting security control assessments in 2005, first as a contractor and since 2009 as a federal employee. As lead ISSO, he managed the day-to-day operations of the consolidated Census Bureau ISSOs. At NIST Ned was also a...
People and organizations often fail to adopt and effectively use cybersecurity best practices and technologies for a variety of reasons, including poor awareness, lack of knowledge/skill, and personal biases. Those professionals tasked with educating others may likewise face a number of challenges, including lack of resources, support, and skills needed to be effective security communicators. We conduct research to better understand the approaches and challenges with cybersecurity awareness and role-based training through the eyes of training professionals within the U.S. government. In the...
Our team often writes articles or provides presentations that discuss and provide information about human-centered cybersecurity to various audiences, for example, cybersecurity practitioners or fellow researchers. We are co-hosting the Human-Centered Cybersecurity Series for the Redefining Cybersecurity Podcast (see General Human-Centered Cybersecurity -> Podcasts below). Currently, we are conducting a multi-phased research project to understand the interactions between human-centered cybersecurity researchers and practitioners. We hope the results will lead to the creation of mutually...
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Human-Centered Cybersecurity program seeks to "champion the human in cybersecurity" by conducting interdisciplinary research to better understand and improve people’s interactions with cybersecurity systems, products, processes, and services. Research Areas
The NIST National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has released the draft of the practice guide, Implementing a Zero Trust Architecture (NIST SP 1800-35), for public comment. The public comment period is open through January 31, 2025.
The Measurements for Information Security Program aims to better equip organizations to purposefully and effectively manage their information security risk through the development of flexible approaches to the selection, assessment, and management of measures and metrics. Information Security Measurement Guide SP 800-55v1 Measurement Guide for Information Security – Volume 1, Identifying and Selecting Measures, provides a flexible approach to the development, selection, and prioritization of information security measures. SP 800-55v2 Measurement Guide for Information Security – Volume...
The Cyber Risk Analytics and Measurement program aims to develop cybersecurity risk analytics methods, tools, and guides to improve the understanding of cybersecurity risks, inform management practices, and facilitate information sharing among risk owners. Below are the internal and external collaborative activities of the program: Cyber Supply Chain Survey Tool NIST is prototyping a survey tool be an educational resource to facilitate cybersecurity supply chain risk management. The tool provides insights for organizations to evaluate and manage their processes to minimize cyber supply...