On October 13-14, NIST sponsored an End-to-End Voting System Workshop designed to bring together researchers in cryptography, security, and usability and election practitioners including election officials and voting system manufacturers to explore the security and usability properties of this type of innovative voting system.
Keynote talks described the fundamental notation of end-to-end voting systems and a State and election official’s perspective on innovative voting systems. A tutorial on how end-to-end voting systems work provided a common background for the workshop participants. A proposal of the desired properties for end-to-end voting systems was presented to provide context for the topics of the workshop to be explored. Five panels discussed a wide range of topics that impact end-to-end voting systems including usability, security, desired properties, and tradeoffs between different types of implementations. The final panel explored what the next steps should be to advance end-to-end voting systems including needed research, pilots, and standardization. Four referred papers were accepted that described experiences with end-to-end voting systems used for elections and novel implementations of end-to-end voting systems.
The two-day workshop was held at The George Washington University and attended by over 60 participants from the US, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Australia, Poland, and the UK.
The goal of this workshop is to understand the security and usability properties of end-to-end voting systems, one type of next-generation system of interest. The last few years have witnessed the emergence of end-to-end voting systems, which enable voter-verification of election outcome. Several proposed systems have been prototyped; some have been used in binding elections. As such, these systems demonstrate considerable promise. NIST is interested in understanding the properties of this class of systems: in particular, what kind of auditability, vote secrecy, and incoercibility properties do these systems possess? What are their security assumptions? How usable are these systems, by poll workers and by voters? How interested are voters and election officials in the properties provided by these systems? Can the strong auditability properties of current paper-based E2E systems be obtained without the use of paper? What would electronic end-to-end voting systems look like?
This workshop aims to (a) begin a discussion on the above issues, among experts in diverse fields, such as cryptography, security and usability, and (b) encourage research on the development of electronic end-to-end voting systems with an emphasis on usability. Workshop discussions could influence future standards.
Two types of submissions are sought:
Authors may submit papers that have been presented or published elsewhere. Accepted papers will be made available on the web as well as in printed form to workshop attendees. Manuscripts will not be formally published.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
8:00 am |
Registration Opens |
9:00 am - 9:15 am |
Welcoming Remarks |
9:15 am - 10:00 am | Keynote: Perspectives on End-to-End Voting Systems [presentation] Ron Rivest, MIT |
10:00 am - 11:00 am | A Tutorial on Verifiable Voting: How it Works and Why it's so Important [presentation] Josh Benaloh, Microsoft |
11:00 am - 11:15 am | Break |
11:15 am - 12:00 pm | E2E Voting Systems in the Context of Desirable Properties of Voting Systems [presentation] Poorvi Vora, NIST/The George Washington University |
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Lunch |
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm |
Panel: Usability of E2E Voting Systems Panelists |
2:30 pm - 3:15 pm |
Technical Session: Case Studies Electing a University President using Open-Audit Voting: Analysis of real-world use of Helios [presentation | paper] Scantegrity Mock Election at Takoma Park [presentation | paper] |
3:15 pm - 3:30 pm | Break |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm |
Panel: E2E Voting Systems and Security Panelists |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
8:30 am | Registration Opens |
9:00 am - 9:45 am | Keynote: End-to-End Voting Systems- A State Perspective [presentation | paper] Stephen Berger, State of North Carolina |
9:45 am - 11:00 am |
Panel: E2E Voting Systems-Desirable Properties and Definitions Panelists |
11:00 am - 11:15 am | Break |
11:15 am - 12:15 pm |
Technical Session: Novel E2E Voting Schemes Scratch, Click & Vote: E2E voting over the Internet [presentation | paper] eTegrity and ePunchScan [presentation | paper] |
12:15 pm - 1:45 pm |
Lunch |
1:45 pm - 3:00 pm | Panel: Tradeoffs in Electronic E2E Voting Systems Moderator: Rene Peralta, NIST Panelists |
3:00 pm - 3:15 pm | Break |
3:15 pm - 4:45 pm | Panel: Next Steps for E2E Voting Systems Moderator: Bill Burr, NIST
4:45 pm - 5:00 pm |
Concluding Remarks |
Starts: October 13, 2009 - 09:00 AM EDT
Ends: October 14, 2009 - 05:00 PM EDT
Format: In-person Type: Workshop
Attendance Type: Open to public
Audience Type: Industry,Government,Academia
The George Washington University Washington, DC