Third PQC Standardization Conference

The NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process has entered the third phase, in which 7 third round finalists and eight alternate candidates are being considered for standardization. NIST held the third NIST PQC Standardization Conference June 7-9, 2021 to discuss various aspects of these candidates, and to obtain valuable feedback for the final selection(s). Each submission team, of the 15 finalists and alternates, was invited to give a short update on their algorithm.

The conference was held virtually.

Call for Papers

Agenda (includes links to on-demand videos)

On-Demand Videos

Conference Inquiries:

Best Talk Award
The Case for SIKE: A Decade of the Supersingular Isogeny Problem

Craig Costello, Microsoft Research


Saber Post-Quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM): Evaluating Performance in Mobile Devices and Suggesting Some Improvements / Evaluating Kyber post-quantum KEM in a mobile application
Leonardo Ribeiro, José Paulo Lima, Ruy de Queiroz, Jonysberg Quintino, Fabio da Silva, Andre Santos, José Ribeiro Júnior

Resistance of Isogeny-Based Cryptographic Implementations to a Fault Attack
Élise Tasso, Luca De Feo, Nadia El Mrabet, Simon Pontié

RFC Key Identification and Serialization (Presentation)
Christine van Vredendaal, Dieter Bong,  Joppe Bos, Silvio Dragone,  Basil Hess, Christopher Meyer,  Mike Osborne, Karen Willbrand

pqm4: NISTPQC Round 3 Results on the Cortex-M4 (Presentation)
Matthias J. Kannwischer, Richard Petri   

Torsion point attacks on "SIDH-like" cryptosystems
Péter Kutas, Christophe Petit

Rainbow on Cortex-M4
Matthias J. Kannwischer, Tung Chou, Bo-Yin Yang

Fast verified post-quantum software, part 1: RAM subroutines
Daniel J. Bernstein

Classic McEliece on the ARM Cortex-M4
Tung Chou, Ming Shing Chen

Lower bounds on lattice sieving and information set decoding
Elena Kirshanova, Thijs  Laarhoven

Efficient Key Recovery for all HFE Signature Variants
Tao Chendong, Albrecht Petzoldt, Jintai Ding

A Side-Channel Assisted Attack on NTRU
Amund Askeland, Sondre Rønjom

Smartcard and Post-Quantum Crypto (Presentation)
Aurélien Greuet

Anonymous, Robust Post-Quantum Public Key Encryption
Varun Maram, Paul Grubbs, Kenneth Paterson

BUFFing signature schemes beyond unforgeability and the case of post-quantum signatures
Rune Fiedler, Cas Cremers, Samed Düzlü, Marc Fischlin, Christian Janson

First-Order Masked Kyber on ARM Cortex-M4
Daniel Heinz, Peter Schwabe, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Georg Land, Daan Sprenkels, Thomas Pöppelmann

Formal Verification of Post-Quantum Cryptography
Matthias​​​ Meijers, Manuel Barbosa, Andreas Hülsing, Peter Schwabe

Zalcon: an alternative FPA-free NTRU sampler for Falcon
Pierre-Alain Fouque, François Gérard, Mélissa Rossi, Yang Yu

Fast Quantum-Safe Cryptography on IBM Z
Basil Hess, Jonathan Bradbury

Benchmarking and Analysing the NIST PQC Finalist Lattice-Based Signature Schemes on the ARM Cortex M7 (paper withdrawn by author)
James Howe

PANEL:  PQC Considerations for DNSSEC
Andrew Fregly   Moderator: Haya Shulman

Panelists:  Jim Goodman, Russ Housley, Burt Kaliski, Victoria Risk, Douglas Stebila, Roland van Rijswijk-Deij

High-Speed Hardware Architectures and Fair FPGA Benchmarking of CRYSTALS-Kyber, NTRU, and Saber
Viet Ba Dang, Kamyar Mohajeran, Kris Gaj

Compact Coprocessor for KEM Saber: Novel Scalable Matrix Originated Processing
Jiafeng Xie, Pengzhou He, Chiou-Yng Lee

Hardware Deployment of Hybrid PQC
Reza Azarderakhsh, Rami Elkhatib, Brian Koziel, Brandon Langenberg

The Case for SIKE: A Decade of the Supersingular Isogeny Problem
Craig Costello

Updates from the Open Quantum Safe Project
Douglas Stebila on behalf of Open Quantum Safe Team

Faster Kyber and Saber via a Generic Fujisaki-Okamoto Transform for Multi-User Security in the QROM
Elke Kiltz, Julien Duman, Kathrin Hoevelmanns, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Gregor Seiler

PQ-WireGuard: we did it again
Mathilde Raynal, Aymeric Genêt, Yolan Romailler

Suitability of 3rd Round Signature Candidates for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
Nina Bindel, Sarah McCarthy, Geoffrey Twardokus, Hanif Rahbari

Requirements for Post-Quantum Cryptography on Embedded Devices in the IoT
Derek Atkins

Boosting the Hybrid Attack on NTRU: Torus LSH, Permuted HNF and Boxed Sphere
Phong Nguyen

Techniques for Masking Saber and Kyber (Presentation)
Michiel Van Beirendonck, Jan-Pieter D’Anvers

Side-Channel Protections for Picnic Signatures
Okan Seker, Akira Takahashi, Diego F. Aranha, Sebastian Berndt, Thomas Eisenbarth, Luca Wilke, Greg Zaverucha

Optimized Software Implementations of CRYSTALS-Kyber, NTRU, and Saber Using NEON-Based Special Instructions of ARMv8
Duc Tri Nguyen, Kris Gaj

On Generic Side-Channel Assisted Chosen Ciphertext Attacks on Lattice-based PKE/KEMs - Towards key recovery attacks on NTRU-based PKE/KEMs
Prasanna Ravi, Martianus Frederic Ezerman, Shivam Bhasin, Anupam Chattopadhyay, Sujoy Sinha Roy

Verifying Post-Quantum Signatures in 8 kB of RAM
Tanja Lange, Ruben Gonzalez, Andreas Hulsing, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Juliane Kramer, Marc Stottinger, Elisabeth Waitz, Thom Wiggers, Bo-Yin Yang

Mitaka: A Simpler, Parallelizable, Maskable Variant of Falcon
Mehdi Tibouchi, Thomas Espitau, Akira Takahashi, Alexandre Wallet

Power-based Side Channel Attack Analysis on PQC Algorithms
Miaoqing Huang, Tendayi Kamucheka, Michael Fahr, Tristen Teague, Alexander Nelson, David Andrews

A Lightweight Implementation of Saber Resistant Against Side-Channel Attacks
Abubakr Abdulgadir, Kamyar Mohajerani, Viet Ba Dang, Jens-Peter Kaps, Kris Gaj

Selected Presentations
June 7, 2021 Type
10:10 AM Status Update on the 3rd Round
Dustin Moody - NIST
10:30 AM CRYSTALS-Dilithium Round 3 Presentation
Vadim Lyubashevsky - IBM Research Europe
10:45 AM Falcon Round 3 Presentation
Thomas Prest - PQShield
11:00 AM Rainbow Round 3 Presentation
Albrecht Petzoldt - FAU Erlangen Nuremberg
11:15 AM GeMSS Round 3 Presentation
Ludovic Perret - Cryptonext Security
11:30 AM Picnic Round 3 Presentation
Greg Zaverucha - Microsoft
11:45 AM SPHINCS+ Round 3 Presentation
Andreas Hülsing - Eindhoven University of Technology
12:40 PM Efficient Key Recovery for all HFE Signature Variants
Albrecht Petzoldt - FAU Erlangen Nuremberg
1:00 PM Formal Verifcation of Post-Quantum Cryptography
Matthias Meijers - Eindhoven University of Technology
1:20 PM Lower bounds on lattice sieving and information set decoding
Elena Kirshanova - Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
1:40 PM Torsion point attacks on “SIDH-like” cryptosystems
Péter Kutas - University of Birmingham
2:00 PM Anonymous, Robust Post-Quantum Public Key Encryption
Varun Maram - ETH Zurich
2:40 PM Compact Coprocessor for KEM Saber: Novel Scalable Matrix Originated Processing
Jiafeng Xie - Villanova University
2:50 PM High-Speed Hardware Architectures and Fair FPGA Benchmarking of CRYSTALS-Kyber, NTRU, and Saber
Kris Gaj - George Mason University
3:10 PM pqm4: NISTPQC Round 3 Results on the Cortex-M4
Matthias Kannwischer - Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
3:30 PM Rainbow on Cortex-M4
Matthias Kannwischer - Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
3:40 PM Hardware Deployment of Hybrid PQC
Reza Azarderakhsh - PQSecure Technologies
June 8, 2021 Type
10:00 AM Getting Ready for Post-Quantum Cryptography
William Newhouse - NIST/NCCoE
Nick Reese - Department of Homeland Security
10:20 AM A Side-Channel Assisted Attack on NTRU
Askeland Amund - University of Bergen
10:35 AM Power-based Side Channel Attack Analysis on PQC Algorithms
Tendayi Kamucheka - University of Arkansas
10:45 AM First-Order Masked Kyber on ARM Cortex-M4
Daniel Heinz - Universität der Bundeswehr
11:00 AM Techniques for Masking Saber and Kyber
Michiel Van Beirendonck - imec-COSIC KU Leuven
11:15 AM Side-Channel Protections for Picnic Signatures
Akira Takahashi - Aarhus University
Okan Seker - University of Lübeck
11:35 AM On Generic Side-Channel Assisted Chosen Ciphertext Attacks on Lattice-based PKE/KEMs
Prasanna Ravi - Nanyang Technological University
12:30 PM Saber Post-Quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM): Evaluating Performance in Mobile Devices and Suggesting Some Improvements / Evaluating Kyber in post-quantum KEM in a mobile application
Leonardo Augusto D. S. Ribeiro - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
12:45 PM Smartcard and Post-Quantum Crypto
Aurélien Greuet - IDEMIA - Crypto & Security Labs
1:00 PM Requirements for Post-Quantum Cryptography on Embedded Devices in the IoT
Derek Atkins - Veridify Security
1:15 PM Suitability of 3rd Round Signature Candidates for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
Nina Bindel - University of Waterloo
1:30 PM PQ-WireGuard: we did it again
Mathilde Raynal - Kudelski Security/EPFL
1:40 PM PQC Considerations for DNSSEC (Panel)
Douglas Stebila - University of Waterloo
Jim Goodman - Crypto4A Technologies Inc.
Russ Housley - Vigil Security, LLC
Burt Kaliski - Verisign
Victoria Risk - Internet Systems Consortium
Haya Shulman - Fraunhofer SIT
Roland van Rijswijk-Deij - University of Twente
2:40 PM BIKE Round 3 Presentation
Rafael Misoczki - Google
2:55 PM HQC Round 3 Presentation
Phillippe Gaborit - University of Limoges
3:10 PM FrodoKEM Round 3 Presentation
Patrick Longa - Microsoft Research
3:25 PM NTRUprime Round 3 Presentation
Daniel J. Bernstein - University of Illinois at Chicago; Ruhr University Bochum
3:40 PM SIKE Round 3 Presentation
Luca De Feo - IBM Research Europe
June 9, 2021 Type
10:00 AM Classic McEliece on the ARM Cortex-M4
Chou Tung - Academia Sinica
10:10 AM Optimized Software Implementations of CRYSTALS-Kyber, NTRU, and Saber Using NEON-Based Special Instructions of ARMv8
Duc Tri Nguyen - George Mason University
10:30 AM Verifying Post-Quantum Signatures in 8 kB of RAM
Ruben Anthony Gonzalez - Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
10:50 AM Fast verified post-quantum software, part 1: RAM subroutines
Daniel Bernstein - University of Illinois at Chicago; Ruhr University Bochum
11:05 AM Classic McEliece Round 3 Presentation
Tanja Lange - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
11:20 AM CRYSTALS-Kyber Round 3 Presentation
Peter Schwabe - Radboud University
11:35 AM SABER Round 3 Presentation
Frederik Vercauteren - KU Leuven
11:50 AM NTRU Round 3 Presentation
John Schanck - University of Waterloo
12:45 PM The Case for SIKE-A Decade of the Supersingular Isogeny Problem
Craig Costello - Microsoft Research
12:50 PM BUFFing signature schemes beyond unforgeability and the case of post-quantum signatures
Rune Fiedler - TU Darmstadt
1:10 PM Faster Kyber and Saber via a Generic Fujisaki-Okamoto Transform for Multi-User Security in the QROM
Julien Duman - Ruhr-Universität Bochum
1:20 PM Boosting the Hybrid Attack on NTRU: Torus LSH, Permuted HNF and Boxed Sphere
Phong Nguyen - Inria Paris
1:40 PM Resistance of Isogeny-Based Cryptographic Implementations to a Fault Attack
Élise Tasso - CEA-Leti, Université Grenoble Alpes
2:00 PM Mitaka: A Simpler, Parallelizable, Maskable Variant of Falcon
Thomas Espitau - NTT Corporation
2:40 PM Updates from the Open Quantum Safe Project
John Schanck - University of Waterloo
2:50 PM Zalcon: an alternative FPA-free NTRU sampler for Falcon
Yu Yang - Tsinghua University
3:10 PM Fast Quantum-Safe Cryptography on IBM Z
Basil Hess - IBM Research Europe
3:20 PM Lightweight Implementation of Saber Resistant Against Side-Channel Attacks
Abubakr Abdulgadir - George Mason University
3:35 PM RFC Key Identification and Serialization
Christine van Vredendaal - NXP Semiconductors

Event Details

Starts: June 07, 2021 - 10:00 AM EDT
Ends: June 09, 2021 - 04:00 PM EDT

Format: Virtual Type: Conference

Attendance Type: Open to public
Audience Type: Industry,Government,Academia,Other

Parent Project

See: Post-Quantum Cryptography

Related Topics

Security and Privacy: post-quantum cryptography

Created February 10, 2021, Updated September 02, 2022