The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) invites you to share your feedback on the preliminary draft of NIST Special Publication 1800-37 Volume A, Addressing Visibility Challenges with TLS 1.3. The public comment period is open now until June 26, 2023.
Why This Project Matters
This project builds on our earlier work, TLS Server Certificate Management, which showed organizations how to centrally monitor and manage their TLS certificates. We are now focusing on protocol enhancements such as TLS 1.3 which have helped organizations boost performance and address security concerns. These same enhancements have also reduced enterprise visibility into internal traffic flows within the organizations' environment. This project aims to change that, and has two main objectives:
This project will result in a publicly available NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide in the Special Publication 1800 series which contains practical steps and guidance to implement our cybersecurity reference designs.
Feedback Welcome
Please read Volume A and share your feedback via our website orsend us an email.
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To receive news and updates about this project, please join the Community of Interest. Visit the TLS 1.3 project page and follow us on Twitter @NISTcyber.
Security and Privacy: encryption, key management
Technologies: networks
Applications: communications & wireless, enterprise