The NIST NCCoE has published the final version of NIST Internal Report (NIST IR) 8473, Cybersecurity Framework Profile for Electric Vehicle Extreme Fast Charging Infrastructure.
Two PIV publications are being revised: "Interfaces for Personal Identity Verification" (SP 800-73-5, 3 parts), and "Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Sizes for Personal Identity Verification" (SP 800-78-5). Submit your public comments through December 8, 2023.
NIST has published Interagency Report (IR) 8476, 3rd High-Performance Computing Security Workshop: Joint NIST-NSF Workshop Report, which offers summaries and key insights from collaborative workshop hosted by NIST and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
NIST has published Special Publication (SP) 800-188, De-Identifying Government Datasets: Techniques and Governance.
NIST Internal Report (NIST IR) 8355, NICE Framework Competencies: Preparing a Job-Ready Cybersecurity Workforce, has been published. This publication describes Competency Areas as included in the NICE Framework, providing information on how Competency Areas are defined and how they can be used.
"Migration to Post-Quantum Cryptography: Preparation for Considering the Implementation and Adoption of Quantum Safe Cryptography" for public comment. The comment period closes June 8, 2023.
NIST announces the selection of the Ascon family for lightweight cryptography standardization.
NIST requests public comments on NIST IR 8214C ipd (initial public draft), NIST First Call for Multi-Party Threshold Schemes, for primitives organized into two categories:
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