NIST IR 8011 Vol. 1

Automation Support for Security Control Assessments: Volume 1: Overview

Date Published: June 2017

Planning Note (02/22/2023):

The NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) team seeks feedback on our NIST IR 8011 series publications and their use.

See the Call for Feedback to learn more details about what we would like to know. Feedback can be sent to; there is no closing date.


Kelley Dempsey (NIST), Paul Eavy (DHS), George Moore (APL)



assessment; assessment boundary; assessment method; authorization boundary; automated security control assessment; automation; capability; continuous diagnostics and mitigation; information security continuous monitoring; dashboard; defect; defect check; desired state specification; ISCM dashboard; mitigation; ongoing assessment; root cause analysis; security automation; security capability; security control; security control assessment; actual state; security control item
Control Families

Audit and Accountability; Assessment, Authorization and Monitoring; Risk Assessment


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Supplemental Material:
None available

Publication Volumes:
IR 8011 Vol. 2
IR 8011 Vol. 3
IR 8011 Vol. 4

Related NIST Publications:
SP 800-53A Rev. 4
SP 800-53 Rev. 4

Document History:
02/02/16: IR 8011 Vol. 1 (Draft)
06/06/17: IR 8011 Vol. 1 (Final)