Abstract. In this talk we will introduce zero-knowledge proofs, the security properties they achieve, and explain how they work. We will furthermore discuss some technical challenges we face when we want to deploy zero-knowledge proofs in real-world applications such as how to achieve fast and small proofs without trusting other parties. We will also present some interesting use cases where zero-knowledge proofs play an important role, for example, how they are used in electronic voting, machine learning and blockchain applications. We will finally share our insights from the recent ICMS workshop on zero-knowledge proofs and review other initiatives of community building and standardization efforts.
WPEC 2024: NIST Workshop on Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography 2024. Virtual, 2024-Sep-24–26.
NIST Workshop on Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography 2024
Starts: September 24, 2024Virtual
Security and Privacy: cryptography