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Crypto Publication Review Project

Publication Decision Options

Table 2 identifies and describes the decision options available for handling publications. The Crypto Publication Review Board will make its decision proposals and final recommendations to NIST management based on these options.

Table 2. Publication Decision Options
Publication Decision Option Description Standards (FIPS) NIST Special Publications

The publication content is confirmed as current and remains unchanged.

NIST determines the publication is current and needs no changes. 

NIST adds "Publication is current as of <date>." to the publication's title page.

NIST determines the publication is current and needs no changes.

NIST adds "Publication is current as of <date>." to the publication's title page.

Update The publication only requires changes to correct errors or clarify its interpretation. No changes are made to technical content. Changes are incorporated into the publication. Changes are documented in the publication (e.g., in a Change Log appendix), and the update date is indicated on the title page.

Changes are documented in an Errata table in the publication's front matter, and errata date is indicated on the title page.


Revise The publication needs significant changes, possibly including technical changes. The revised document will undergo one or more public comment periods before it is issued with the original publication number and a new revision number.

Federal Register Notice (FRN) announces the draft revised FIPS and requests public comments.

After addressing comments and finalizing the FIPS, a subsequent FRN announces publication of the revised FIPS.

NIST posts draft of revised Special Publication for public comment.

The publication itself will be withdrawn, although some of the publication’s technical content and/or requirements will be:

  • moved to a new publication (new number)
  • merged into a revision of another existing NIST standard or guideline; or
  • moved to another location altogether (e.g., NIST Cybersecurity White Paper, NIST website, online data repository, etc.)

Federal Register Notice announces plans to withdraw FIPS and move select content to other locations, and requests public comments.

Subsequent FRN announces withdrawal.


NIST announces the plan and schedule for withdrawing the Special Publication and moving select content to other locations.

NIST follows typical procedures for posting and publishing content.

Withdraw (Phased)
i.e., "Sunset"


See Note 2 below.

The publication is scheduled to be withdrawn on a certain date, with NIST providing advance notice.

Federal Register Notice announces plans to withdraw the FIPS and requests public comments.

Subsequent FRN announces withdrawal.

NIST announces intent to withdraw the Special Publication and requests public comments.

After reviewing public comments, if NIST still intends to withdraw the publication, NIST announces the withdrawal.

Note 1: If a publication is updated, revised, converted, or withdrawn, the original publication will remain available online for historical purposes (at its original DOI link) with a new “Withdrawn Publication” cover page that clearly indicates its status.

Note 2: In some cases, NIST may decide to immediately withdraw a publication without going through the formal review process described on this site. This may occur, for example, if technical errors are discovered that are detrimental to stakeholders.


For more information, see NISTIR 7977.


Crypto Publication Review Board

Morris Dworkin

Elaine Barker

Chris Celi

Lily Chen

Jim Foti

Meltem Sönmez Turan


Security and Privacy: cryptography

Activities and Products: standards development

Created March 23, 2021, Updated January 29, 2025