Concatenation; e.g. A || B is the concatenation of bit strings A and B.
NIST SP 800-106
under ||
NIST SP 800-133 Rev. 2
under ||
Concatenation operation; for example, a || b means that string b is appended after string a.
NIST SP 800-135 Rev. 1
under ||
For strings X and Y, X || Y is the concatenation of X and Y. For example, 11001 || 010 = 11001010.
NIST SP 800-185
under X || Y
Concatenation of two strings X and Y.
NIST SP 800-56B Rev. 2
under X || Y
Concatenation of two strings X and Y. X andYare either both bitstrings or both byte strings.
NIST SP 800-90A Rev. 1
under X || Y
The concatenation of bit strings A and B.
NIST SP 800-108r1
[August 2022 (Includes updates as of 02-02-2024)]
under A || B
As used in this Recommendation, the concatenation X || Y of bit string X followed by bit string Y is the ordered sequence of bits formed by appending Y to X in such a way that the leftmost (i.e., initial) bit of Y follows the rightmost (i.e., final) bit of X.
NIST SP 800-56C Rev. 2
The concatenation of two bit strings X and Y.
NIST SP 800-38B
under X || Y
NIST SP 800-38C
under X || Y
NIST SP 800-38D
under X || Y
The concatenation of bit strings X and Y.
NIST SP 800-38F
under X || Y