A certificate used for HTTPS websites and software that includes identity information that has been subjected to an identity verification process standardized by the CA Browser Forum in its Baseline Requirements that verifies that the identified owner of the website for which the certificate has been issued has exclusive rights to use the domain; exists legally, operationally, and physically; and has authorized the issuance of the certificate.
NIST SP 1800-16B
A certificate used for https websites and software that includes identity information, subjected to an identity verification process standardized by the CA Browser Forum in its Baseline Requirements which verifies the identified owner of the website for which the certificate has been issued has exclusive rights to use the domain; exists legally, operationally, and physically; and has authorized issuance of the certificate.
NIST SP 1800-16C
A certificate used for https websites and software that includes identity information, subjected to an identity verification process standardized by the CA Browser Forum in its Baseline Requirements which verifies the identified owner of the website for which the certificate has been issued has exclusive rights to use the domain; exists legally, operationally, and physically; and has authorized the issuance of the certificate.
NIST SP 1800-16D
under Extended Validation (EV) Certificate