All components of an information system to be accredited by an authorizing official and excludes separately accredited systems, to which the information system is connected. Synonymous with the term security perimeter defined in CNSS Instruction 4009 and DCID 6/3.
NIST SP 800-18 Rev. 1
under Accreditation Boundary
All components of an information system to be accredited by an authorizing official and excludes separately accredited systems to which the information system is connected. Synonymous with the term security perimeter defined in CNSS Instruction 4009 and DCID 6/3.
NIST SP 800-60 Vol. 1 Rev. 1
under Accreditation Boundary
NIST SP 800-60 Vol. 2 Rev. 1
under Accreditation Boundary
A physical or logical boundary that is defined for a system, domain, or enclave; within which a particular security policy or security architecture is applied.
CNSSI 4009-2015
See Accreditation Boundary.
NIST SP 800-18 Rev. 1
under Security Perimeter
Identifies the information resources covered by an accreditation decision, as distinguished from separately accredited information resources that are interconnected or with which information is exchanged via messaging.
CNSSI 4009-2015
under accreditation boundary
For the purposes of identifying the Protection Level for confidentiality of a system to be accredited, the system has a conceptual boundary that extends to all intended users of the system, both directly and indirectly connected, who receive output from the system.
CNSSI 4009-2015
under accreditation boundary