Official websites use .gov
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

Secure .gov websites use HTTPS
A lock ( ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the .gov website. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

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  Used to indicate a requirement of this standard.
FIPS 186-5

  Used to indicate a requirement of this standard.
FIPS 203 under shall
FIPS 204 under shall
FIPS 205 under shall from FIPS 186-5

  Used to indicate a requirement of this Recommendation.
NIST SP 800-102
NIST SP 800-107 Rev. 1
NIST SP 800-89

  This term is used to indicate a requirement of a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) or a requirement that must be fulfilled to claim conformance to this Recommendation. Note that shall may be coupled with not to become shall not.
NIST SP 800-57 Part 1 Rev. 5

  This term is used to indicate a requirement that needs to be fulfilled to claim conformance to this Recommendation. Note that shall may be coupled with not to become shall not.
NIST SP 800-135 Rev. 1
NIST SP 800-175B Rev. 1
NIST SP 800-56B Rev. 2

  Is required to. Requirements apply to conforming implementations.
NIST SP 800-38F under shall

  Used to indicate a requirement of this Recommendation. "Shall" may be coupled with "not" to become "shall not."
NIST SP 800-90A Rev. 1

  The term used to indicate a requirement that needs to be fulfilled to claim conformance to this Recommendation. Note that shall may be coupled with not to become shall not.
NIST SP 800-90B

  A requirement that must be met unless a justification of why it cannot be met is given and accepted.
NIST SP 1800-15B from NISTIR 5153
NIST SP 1800-15C from NISTIR 5153

  This term is used to indicate a requirement of a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) or a requirement that must be fulfilled to claim conformance to this Recommendation; note that shall may be coupled with not to become shall not.
NIST SP 800-133 Rev. 2

  The term used to indicate a requirement of a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) or a requirement that needs to be fulfilled to claim conformance with this Recommendation. Note that shall may be coupled with not to become shall not.
NIST SP 800-108r1 [August 2022 (Includes updates as of 02-02-2024)] under shall

  A requirement that needs to be fulfilled to claim conformance to this Recommendation. Note that shall may be coupled with not to become shall not.
NIST SP 800-56C Rev. 2

  A requirement for Federal Government use.
NIST SP 800-131A Rev.2