Abstract. The United States’ Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has shown increasing interest in the opportunities presented by privacy-enhancing technologies. The first National Privacy Research Strategy was released in 2016 and was, in part, a response to privacy challenges emerging from the large-scale deployment of information technology systems and “Big Data”. The development and promise of privacy-enhancing technologies has since been recognized as a means to enable collaboration and innovation in a privacy-preserving manner. The National Strategy to Advance Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing and Analytics was released in 2023 and established foundational guiding principles to ensuring the advancement of PETs in a responsible and trustworthy manner. In this talk, we will discuss the role of privacy-enhancing cryptography in these national strategies, as well as the upcoming 2024 National Privacy Research Strategy.
NIST Workshop on Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography 2024
Starts: September 24, 2024Virtual
Security and Privacy: cryptography