Module Name
Device Cryptographic Module
Interim Validation. When operated in approved mode. When installed, initialized and configured as specified in Section 11 of the Security Policy. The tamper evident seals with F5-ADD-BIG-FIPS140 kit installed as indicated in the Security Policy.
Security Level Exceptions
- Operational environment: N/A
- Non-invasive security: N/A
- Mitigation of other attacks: N/A
- Documentation requirements: N/A
- Cryptographic module security policy: N/A
Multi-Chip Stand Alone
F5® Device Cryptographic Module, Application Delivery Controller and Firewall software running on F5 BIG-IP.
Approved Algorithms
Safe Primes Key Generation
Safe Primes Key Generation
Safe Primes Key Verification
Safe Primes Key Verification
Hardware Versions
BIG-IP i4600, BIG-IP i4800, BIG-IP i5600, BIG-IP i5800, BIG-IP i5820-DF, BIG-IP i7600, BIG-IP i7800, BIG-IP i7820-DF, BIG-IP i10600, BIG-IP i10800, BIG-IP i11600-DS, BIG-IP i11800-DS, BIG-IP i15600, BIG-IP i15800, BIG-IP i15820-DF, VIPRION B2250, VIPRION B4450
Firmware Versions