Module Name
Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) R23.3 Nokia 1830 Photonic Service Interconnect – Modular (PSI-M) R23.3
Interim Validation.The tamper evident seals installed as indicated in the Security Policy
Security Level Exceptions
- Roles, services, and authentication: Level 3
- Non-invasive security: N/A
- Mitigation of other attacks: N/A
- Documentation requirements: N/A
- Cryptographic module security policy: N/A
Multi-Chip Stand Alone
1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS): Scalable optimized end-to-end optical transport solutions for metro, regional and long-haul networks.
1830 Photonic Service Switch - x( PSS -x): Scalable and efficient P-OTN switching for multi-protocol wholesale services.
1830 photonic service interconnect (PSI): Scalable disaggregated compact modular platforms for scalable DCI and optical transport applications.
Approved Algorithms
Safe Primes Key Generation
Safe Primes Key Verification
Hardware Versions
Hardware Version: PSS-8 Chassis (WOMPU00CRA / 3KC48901AA ) [1], PSS-16II Chassis (WOMR300BRA / 3KC48960AC) [2], PSS-32 Chassis (WOM4V10GRA / 8DG59319AB) [3], PSS-24x Chassis (WOMP410CRB / 3KC50378AA) [4] and PSI-M Chassis (3KC81791AA) [5]; 8EC2 Card (3KC48820AA) [1], 32EC2 Card (8DG63979AA) [2, 3], CEC2 Card (3KC50335AA) [4] and MEC2 Card (3KC81775AA) [5]; 11QPEN4 (8DG60996AA) [1-3], S13X100E (8DG63988AA) [1-3], 2UC400E (3KC60522AA) [4], DFC12E (3KC82081AA) [5] and 8P20 (3KC49240AA) [1-3]; MFC24X Multi-Function Card (3KC50330AA) [4]; Filler Card (8DG59418AA) [1-3], Filler Card (3KC59819AC) [4] and Filler Card (3KC81780AA) [5]; Security Label Kit (8DG-6509-AAAA) [1-5];
Firmware Versions
1830PSS ECN R23.3, 1830PSI-M ECN R23.3