Internet of Things (IoT) technology is becoming more pervasive in the home environment. These technologies are increasingly used by non-technical users who have little understanding of the technologies or awareness of the security and privacy implications of use.
We conduct research to help improve consumers' security and privacy experiences and outcomes when using IoT, with a specific focus on smart home devices. Our work in this area informed the human-centered label and consumer education considerations in IoT cybersecurity criteria for a consumer labeling program in response to NIST's tasking in Executive Order 14028.
Recommended Criteria for Cybersecurity Labeling for Consumer Internet of Things (IoT) Products - National Institute of Standards and Technology (2022)
IoT Cybersecurity Labels: Lessons Learned When Applying Human-Centered Research to Practice - Julie Haney (2023)
User Perceptions and Experiences with Smart Home Updates - Julie M. Haney & Susanne M. Furman. IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy (2023).
Smart Home Device Loss of Support: Consumer Perspectives and Preferences - Julie M. Haney & Susanne M. Furman. 5th International Conference on HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust affiliated conference at HCI International (2023).
Towards Usable Updates for Smart Home Devices - Julie M. Haney & Susanne M. Furman. Workshop on Socio-technical Aspects in Security (STAST) (2020).
It's the Company, the Government, You and I: User Perceptions of Responsibility for Smart Home Privacy and Security - Julie Haney, Yasemin Acar, & Susanne Furman. USENIX Security Symposium (2021).
NISTIR 8330 Research Report: User Perceptions of Smart Home Security and Privacy - Julie M. Haney, Susanne M. Furman, & Yasemin Acar (2020).
Smart Home Security and Privacy Mitigations: Consumer Perceptions, Practices, and Challenges - Julie M. Haney, Susanne M. Furman, & Yasemin Acar. Proceedings of the HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust affiliated conference at HCI International (2020).
Perceptions of Smart Home Privacy and Security Responsibility, Concerns, and Mitigations (Poster Abstract) - Julie Haney, Susanne Furman, Yasemin Acar, & Mary Theofanos. Extended abstract from poster presented at Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) (2019).
Smart Home Consumers' Privacy and Security Perceptions and Practices Recorded presentation
- Julie Haney & Susanne Furman. Presented at Smart City and Smart Home Virtual Exhibition (2020).
Consumer Perceptions of Smart Home Privacy and Security - Julie Haney, Susanne Furman, & Yasemin Acar. Presented at the NIST Human Factors in Smart Home Technologies Workshop (September 24, 2019) Workshop Summary Report
Security and Privacy: authentication, behavior, cryptography, general security & privacy, privacy, security programs & operations, usability
Applications: cybersecurity education, cybersecurity workforce, Internet of Things, voting