Date Published: August 2016
Comments Due: September 30, 2016 (public comment period is CLOSED)
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NIST SP 800-185 specifies four types of SHA-3-derived functions: cSHAKE, KMAC, TupleHash, and ParallelHash, each defined for a 128- and 256-bit security level. cSHAKE is a customizable variant of the SHAKE function, as defined in FIPS 202. KMAC (for KECCAK Message Authentication Code) is a pseudorandom function and keyed hash function based on KECCAK. TupleHash is a variable-length hash function designed to hash tuples of input strings without trivial collisions. ParallelHash is a variable-length hash function that can hash very long messages in parallel.
Identification and Authentication; System and Information Integrity
Draft SP 800-185 (pdf)
Supplemental Material:
Comments received on Draft SP 800-185 (pdf)
Document History:
08/04/16: SP 800-185 (Draft)