High-Performance Computing Security Working Group HPCSec-WG

Past Events

4th High-Performance Computing Security Workshop
May 20, 2024 - May 21, 2024
Executive Order 13702 established the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI) to maximize the benefits of high-performance computing (HPC) for economic competitiveness and scientific discovery. Security is an essential...
3rd High-Performance Computing Security Workshop
March 15, 2023 - March 16, 2023
Executive Order 13702 established the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI) to maximize the benefits of high-performance computing (HPC) for economic competitiveness and scientific discovery. Security is an essential...
High-Performance Computing Security Workshop
March 27, 2018 - March 28, 2018
On July 2015, the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI) was established to maximize the benefits of High-Performance Computing (HPC) for economic competitiveness and scientific discovery. For HPC systems to deliver...
NSCI: High-Performance Computing Security Workshop
September 29, 2016 - September 30, 2016
In July of 2015, the President of the United States issued Executive Order 13702 to create a National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI). The goal of the NSCI is to maximize the benefits of High-Performance Computing (HPC)...
Created November 02, 2017, Updated March 03, 2025