Official comments on the Selected Algorithms should be submitted using the "Submit Comment" link for the appropriate algorithm. Comments from the pqc-forum Google group subscribers will also be forwarded to the pqc-forum Google group list. We will periodically post and update the comments received to the appropriate algorithm.
All relevant comments will be posted in their entirety and should not include PII information in the body of the email message.
Please refrain from using OFFICIAL COMMENT to ask administrative questions, which should be sent to
July 2022: The rationale for choosing the selected algorithms for standardization is described in NIST IR 8413, Status Report on the Third Round of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process
March 2025: The rationale for choosing the HQC algorithm for standardization is described in NIST IR 8545, Status Report on the Fourth Round of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process.
Algorithm | Algorithm Information | Submitters | Comments |
Zip File (7MB) |
Peter Schwabe |
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HQC (2025) FIPS coming soon. |
Zip File (13MB) |
Carlos Aguilar Melchor |
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Algorithm | Algorithm Information | Submitters | Comments |
Zip File (11MB) |
Vadim Lyubashevsky Leo Ducas Eike Kiltz Tancrede Lepoint Peter Schwabe Gregor Seiler Damien Stehle Shi Bai |
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FALCON (2022) FIPS coming soon |
Zip File (4MB) |
Thomas Prest Pierre-Alain Fouque Jeffrey Hoffstein Paul Kirchner Vadim Lyubashevsky Thomas Pornin Thomas Ricosset Gregor Seiler William Whyte Zhenfei Zhang |
SPHINCS+ (2022) FIPS 205 |
Zip File (230MB) |
Andreas Hulsing Daniel J. Bernstein Christoph Dobraunig Maria Eichlseder Scott Fluhrer Stefan-Lukas Gazdag Panos Kampanakis Stefan Kolbl Tanja Lange Martin M Lauridsen Florian Mendel Ruben Niederhagen Christian Rechberger Joost Rijneveld Peter Schwabe Jean-Philippe Aumasson Bas Westerbaan Ward Beullens |
Security and Privacy: post-quantum cryptography