Cryptographic Key Management Workshop 2009

A CKM Workshop was held at NIST on June 8-9, 2009. Approximately 100 people participated in the Workshop at NIST on-site and approximately 90 people participated via a Webcast service. The program consisted of five keynote speakers addressing various aspects of future electronic communications, computing, and cryptography. Another twenty-five speakers addressed various technical aspects of current and future key management systems, including key management policies, algorithms, distribution methods, and user control software interfaces.

Workshop Agenda and Presentations

Cryptographic Key Management Workshop Summary (June 2009)

NIST Internal Report 7609, Cryptographic Key Management Workshop Summary - June 8-9, 2009 summarizes the workshop. This document provides highlights of the workshop that was held in June 2009 to discuss the current state of key management systems, to identify future needs, and to discuss the development of a Cryptographic Key Management Design Framework that would address the issues discussed during the workshop.


Event Details

Starts: June 08, 2009 - 09:00 AM EDT
Ends: June 09, 2009 - 05:00 PM EDT

Format: In-person Type: Workshop


Attendance Type: Open to public
Audience Type: Industry,Government,Academia


Gaithersburg MD

Parent Project

See: Key Management
Created January 11, 2017, Updated June 22, 2020