Module Name
BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module
Historical Reason
SP 800-56Arev3 transition
When operated in FIPS mode. The module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified by available entropy
Security Level Exceptions
Multi-Chip Stand Alone
BlackBerry is the leading wireless enterprise solution that allows users to stay connected with secure, wireless access to email, corporate data, phone, web and organizer features. BlackBerry is a totally integrated package that includes hardware, software and service, providing a complete end-to-end solution. The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module is a software module that provides cryptographic services to BlackBerry products such as the BlackBerry PlayBook Administration Service, and other BlackBerry products.
Tested Configuration(s)
- Android 6.0.1 with processor Qualcomm 8992 Snapdragon running on BlackBerry PRIV
- Android OS API Level 17 with processor NXP ARM Cortex-A9 running on Ricoh MP C3004 (single-user mode)
- CentOS 7.0 with Java JRE 1.8.0 running on a Dell PowerEdge 2950
Allowed Algorithms
NDRNG; RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength)