Abstract. Existing cryptographic standard algorithms cannot move to the quantum computing era because quantum computers are proven to break them. Advances in quantum computing technology are creating concerns for such a practical break. To address this issue, we must completely change the cryptography infrastructure in the next decade and use new algorithms in secure communication and access control protocols. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is leading this effort and is currently standardizing new, quantum-secure cryptographic algorithms, which are expected to complete by 2024. A massive effort will be needed to change the cryptographic circuits for supporting these new standards. In this talk, I will introduce the need for quantum-secure cryptography and then introduce the new computational units in the upcoming standards. Then, I will present my team's effort in building secure and efficient cryptographic implementations for such protocols.
Suggested readings: ia.cr/2021/772 and ia.cr/2022/494
Security and Privacy: cryptography