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Crypto Reading Club


The Crypto Reading Club at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) hosts diversified talks to foster cryptography research, collaboration, and dissemination. The meetings are organized by the NIST Cryptographic Technology Group (CTG), within the Computer Security Division (CSD), Information Technology Laboratory (ITL).

Feature Description

Wednesday, once every two weeks, 10:00am-11:00am (Eastern Time).

Some meetings may scheduled for a bit longer (e.g., till 10:15 or 10:30).


When in person or hybrid: NIST Gaithersburg campus (MD 20899), Building 222, Room B341

When virtual (since mid-2020): by virtual conference (link announced via the mailing list).

Meetings have been in person till mid-2020, then virtual (video-conference only) until 2022. From 2023 onward, meetings are either in virtual or hybrid mode (the latter means the presentation is given in person from the Gaithersburg campus, but with the video also being shared via video-conference).


Meeting reminders will be sent to subscribers of the Crypto Reading Club Mailing List.

For enquiries, please contact the host by sending an email to crypto-club-questions(at)nist(dot)gov. If spontaneously reaching out with a request or suggestion, please make sure to send a personalized email: introducing yourself and affiliation, informing how you came across the Crypto Reading Club contact, and providing context and motivation for your request/suggestion. Uncontextualized requests might not be followed upon.

Types of talks

The crypto reading club differentiates between internal and external talks, as follows:

  • Internal talks: intended for informal presentations and discussions, open only to NIST staff. As traditional "reading club" talks, these will not be recorded.
  • External talks: open to a wider audience, including external to NIST, and advertised via a wider mailing list that includes subscribers external to NIST. These talks may sometimes (upon speaker's consent) be audio-visual recorded by the host, to enable posterior archiving, to serve as a basis of reference material.

There will be some arbitrary alternation between internal and external talks.

The series is open to host talks on old and recent results, and other topics of interest to cryptography, is flexible about the format (tutorial, research talk, ...), and intends to promote research motivation, technical clarifications, etc.

The "Crypto Reading Club" was formed in the Computer Security Division at NIST, around 2006/2007, as an informal setting for presentations about cryptography, to share knowledge of old and new results in the literature, and for presentations and conversations about ongoing research and projects.

The NIST Crypto Reading Club thanks the many presenters, internal and external, that have contributed with more than 260 talks between 2006 and 2024.

Till early 2020, the Crypto Reading Club meetings took place only in person, in the NIST Gaithersburg Campus, usually on Wednesday mornings, sometimes with external visitors. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the Crypto Reading Club had a six months pause since early 2020. Since July 2020, the talks resumed in virtual mode (video conference). This brought new challenges and opportunities, with respect to attendance, media resources (slides and videos), and types of talks (internal or external speakers and audience). Since 2023, besides the virtual talks, some presentations started taking place in hybrid mode (given in person, but allowing virtual attendance). Organization:

Besides the NIST Crypto-Reading Club series, many other cryptography-related presentations can be found via the NIST Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC). Various presentation sets hosted by NIST can be found in the following cryptography-related NIST-hosted seminar series and workshops.

The above tally has been updated in January 2025. There are also many other presentations given by NIST associates at external events not hosted by NIST. The Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC) hosts many webpages with more details on events and presentations.

Rules and expectations:

  • Interactions between attendees, speaker(s) and host(s) shall remain courteous.
  • Speaker's opinions: attendees should be aware that the speakers may often speak on their own behalf, not necessarily representing the views of their affiliation.
  • Presentation scope: While meetings are often open to non-NIST members, some presentations may include work in progress, or incomplete material posed for feedback, reflections, and comments that the speaker(s) may prefer not be made public beyond the meeting (possibly during a certain period, such as until the presentation recording is posted) — attendees shall respect this non-public scope.
  • Audio and video recording: The meeting host can record the presentation (upon obtaining permission by the speaker). Other attendees are prohibited from recording the presentations. The video recording by the host may in some cases be later published in the corresponding presentation page. Attendees joining later (also possible) should be aware that the presentation may be being recorded.
  • Virtual mute: During virtual meetings, attendees should remain in "muted" mode while not making intentional comments. Clarification questions for a short answer are usually allowed during a presentation (unless the speaker or host suggest otherwise). Talks will usually reserve a period for more open questions after the talk, during the final part. In case of attempted concurrent comments, consider using the "raise hand" functionality to facilitate finding an appropriate time for your comment to be considered.
  • Code of conduct: Attendance in Crypto Reading Club meetings requires abiding to the Code of conduct for NIST conferences.

Disclaimer: The NIST Crypto Reading Club series of meetings, organized by the Cryptographic Technology Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), includes hosting diverse talks about cryptography-related topics, often presented by NIST associates, and often also presented by invited NIST-external speakers from industry, academia or government. By default, the opinions expressed in these meetings are those of the speakers (or attendees, as applicable, for example when asking questions or making comments), who are assumed to speak on their own behalf, not necessarily representing the views of their affiliations. Some presentations may be based on work in progress, and include incomplete material presented for feedback, and personal reflections, subject to adaptation in subsequent developments of the work. Regardless of any existent or non-existent association between the speaker and NIST, the invitation or hosting of these talks, and the possible publication of some of its media (such as speakers' names and affiliations, presentation abstract, list of suggested readings, presented slides and presentation video) should not be construed as indicating any preference, indication of suitability, recommendation or endorsement by NIST about the discussed technology, about the identified commercial entities, equipment and materials, or about the expressed ideas.

Attendance in Crypto Reading Club meetings requires abiding to the Code of conduct for NIST conferences.

Please read also the "Rules and Expectations" section above.

Tally: 273 presentations until early-February 2025: 1 (2006) + 4 (2007) + 11 (2008) + 17 (2009) + 15 (2010) + 13 (2011) + 20 (2012) + 15 (2013) + 18 (2014) + 19 (2015) + 20 (2016) + 16 (2017) + 13 (2018) + 11 (2019) + 4 (2020) + 20 (2021) + 22 (2022) + 15 (2023) + 17 (2024) + 2 (2025)

Upcoming Talks (tentative)

Fortnightly talks, on Wednesdays, 10–11am Eastern Time (Maryland, United States). The following schedule is tentative.

Date Speaker Title
2025-Mar-19 Meltem Sönmez Turan (NIST, USA) [Topic: NIST-Standards: AEAD]

Slots available for possible upcoming Crypto Reading Club talks in 2025: Feb 19, Mar 5, Apr {2,16,30}, May {14,28}, Jun {11,25}, Jul {9,23}, Aug {6}, Sep {3,17}, Oct {1,15,29}, Nov {12,26}, Dec {10}.

Talks in 2025

Date Speaker Title Media
2025-Feb-05 Lily Chen (NIST, USA) Public-Key Based Key-Establishment — The NIST SP 800-56 Series [Slides]
2025-Jan-08 Jeremiah Blocki (Purdue University, USA) Memory-Hard Functions [Slides]

Talks in 2024

Date Speaker Title Media
2024-Dec-18 Anna Lysyanskaya (Brown University, USA) Signature Schemes with Efficient Protocols for Privacy-Preserving Identity  
2024-Nov-13 Nadia Heninger (UCSD, USA) Cryptanalynomics [Slides]
2024-Oct-30 Dustin Moody (NIST, USA) Sign on the Dotted Line: The Digital Signature Standard [Slides]
2024-Oct-16 Hugo Krawczyk (Amazon Web Services, USA) The OPAQUE Password Protocol [Slides]
2024-Oct-02 Fatemeh (Saba) Ganji (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA) Should We Put Our Trust in the Implementation of MPC? [Slides]
2024-Sep-18 Elaine Barker (NIST) and Curt Barker (Dakota Consulting, USA) Key Management Evolution [Slides]
2024-Aug-07 Pierre Ciadoux (University of Limoges, France; NIST) [Internal talk] Navigating Floating-Point challenges in the Post-Quantum digital signature scheme Falcon  
2024-Jul-24 Michele Orrú (CNRS, France) On Specifying Sigma Protocols for Zero-Knowledge Proofs [Slides]
2024-Jul-10 Christopher Battarbee (Sorbonne University, France) and Giacomo Borin (IBM Research & University of Zurich, Switzerland) Cryptographic Corollaries of the Classification of Finite Simple Groups [Slides]
2024-May-15 Mariya Georgieva Beloregy and Sergiu Carpov (Inpher) Combining Cryptography and Other Techniques for Various Privacy-Preserving Applications [Slides]
2024-Apr-17 Zachary Flores (PhD, Colorado State University) Formal Methods in Cryptography [Slides]
2024-Apr-03 Matilda Backendal (ETH Zurich) and Miro Haller (UC San Diego, USA) Thriving in between theory and practice: How applied cryptography bridges the gap [Slides]
2024-Mar-20 Emmanuel Thomé (INRIA, France) Large-scale computational records for public-key cryptography: current state of the art, and further directions [Slides]
2024-Mar-06 Nico Döttling (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Germany) Laconic Cryptography: New paradigms, constructions and directions [Slides]
2024-Feb-21 Jasper Palfree (University of Colorado; NIST) A Yarn of Randomness: The CU Randomness Beacon and the Twine protocol [Slides]
2024-Jan-24 Tommaso Gagliardoni, Marco Macchetti, and Sylvain Pelissier (Kudelski Security) A Hitchhiker's Guide to Cryptography Code Audit [Slides]
2024-Jan-10 Luca Mariot (University of Twente, Netherlands) Synergies between AI and Cryptography: Challenges and Research Directions [Slides]

Talks in 2023 (Virtual or Hybrid)

Date Speaker Title Media
2023-Oct-18 Greg Bernstein (Grotto Networking) and Vasilis Kalos (MATTR) BBS+ Signatures: Applications, Standardizations, and a bit of Theory [Slides]
2023-Sep-20 Hung Le-Thai (University of Limoges, France) [Internal Talk] Basics of Multivariate-based Cryptography (UOV scheme)  
2023-Sep-06 Pierre Briaud (Inria Paris & Sorbonne Université, France) Variants of the Syndrome Decoding Problem and algebraic cryptanalysis [Slides]
2023-Aug-09 Javier Verbel (Technology Innovation Institute, UAE) MinRank-based zero-knowledge proofs and signatures [Slides]
2023-Jul-12 Alyssa Thompson (NSA) [Internal Talk] Overview of the IETF and Post-Quantum Protocols  
2023-Jun-28 Daniel Apon (MITRE) [Internal Talk] The genus of lattice forms and algebraic-arithmetic-geometric invariants  
2023-Jun-14 Christian Rechberger (Graz University of Technology, Austria) On MPCFHEZK-friendly symmetric crypto [Slides]
2023-May-17 Kelsey Jackson (UMD) Evaluating the QROM Hardness of Cryptographic Assumptions in CRYSTALS-Dilithium  
2023-May-03 Maxime Bros (NIST) [Internal Talk] Basics of Code-based Cryptography (Hamming metric)  
2023-Apr-19 Manuel Barbosa (University of Porto, Portugal) Formally Verifying Kyber Part I: Functional Correctness [Slides]
2023-Apr-05 Aydin Aysu (North Carolina State University) Building and Breaking Lattice-Based Post-Quantum Cryptosystem Hardware [Slides]
2023-Mar-08 Konstantinos Chalkias (Mysten Labs), François Garillot (Protocol Labs) and Valeria Nikolaenko (A16z crypto) Taming the many EdDSAs [Slides]
2023-Feb-08 Yan Michalevsky (Cryptosat) Crypto-satellites - a cryptographic trusted party in space and its applications [Slides] [Video]
2023-Jan-25 Hemanta Maji (Purdue University) Local Leakage-resilience of Shamir's Secret-sharing Scheme [Slides]
2023-Jan-11 Stefano Tessaro (University of Washington) Pairing-free Blind Signatures with Exponential Security [Slides] [Video]

Talks in 2022 (Virtual)

          Date           Speaker Title Media
2022-Dec-14 Cathie Yun (Google) Moving toward real-world deployment of FHE [Slides] [Video]
2022-Nov-16 Daniel Smith (NIST and University of Louisville) 2F – A New Method for Constructing Efficient Multivariate Encryption Schemes [Slides] [Video]
2022-Nov-02 Chen-da Liu-Zhang (NTT Research) Adaptive Security of Multi-Party Protocols, Revisited [Slides]
2022-Oct-19 Ray Perlner (NIST) Breaking Category Five SPHINCS+ with SHA-256 [Slides] [Video]
2022-Oct-19 John Kelsey (NIST and KU Leuven)

Basics of MD Hashes and Hash-Based Signatures

[Slides] [Video]
2022-Oct-05 Clara Pernot (Inria, Paris) New Representations of the AES Key Schedule [Slides] [Video]
2022-Sep-21 Esra Yeniaras (METU & MEB, Turkey) New Efficient Characteristic Three Polynomial Multiplication Algorithms and Their Applications to NTRU Prime [Slides] [Video]
2022-Sep-07 Michele Orrù (UC Berkeley) On the (in)security of ROS [Slides] [Video]
2022-Aug-24 Mike Rosulek (Oregon State University) Practical Privacy-Preserving Authentication for SSH [Slides] [Video]
2022-Aug-10 Luís Brandão (NIST/Strativia) Notes on Threshold EdDSA/Schnorr Signatures [Slides] [Video]
2022-Jul-27 Angela Robinson (NIST) Decoding failures and error floors  
2022-Jul-13 Duhyeong Kim (Intel Labs) Approximate FHE scheme CKKS from A to Z  
2022-Jun-29 François-Xavier Standaert (UC Louvain) Improving the Design and Evaluation of Cryptographic Implementations against Leakage — Can Open Source Help and How? [Slides]
2022-Jun-15 Mary Maller (Ethereum Foundation) Modern zk-SNARKs (feat. Caulk) [Slides] [Video]
2022-Jun-01 Dustin Moody (NIST-PQC team) The First NIST PQC standards [Slides]
2022-Apr-06 Evgenios Kornaropoulos (GMU) Revisiting Leakage in Searchable Encryption  
2022-Mar-23 Giorgos Zirdelis (UMD) Hash functions, program secrets and lattices [Slides]
2022-Mar-09 Yu Sasaki (NIST/NTT) Quantum Collision Attack with Respect to Primitive Security Margin  
2022-Feb-23 Ray Perlner (NIST) Attack Cost Models [Video]
2022-Feb-09 Carl Miller (NIST) Trapdoor claw-free functions in quantum cryptography  

Elaine Barker, Luís Brandão, Lily Chen, David Cooper, Quynh Dang

[Internal Talk] Collaborations with SDOs [Poster]
2022-Jan-12 Nicholas Genise (SRI) Accelerating FHE with ASICs [Slides] [Video]

Talks in previous years

          Date           Speaker Title Media
2021-Dec-15 Julie Haney (NIST) "We make it a big deal in the company": Security Mindsets in Organizations that Develop Cryptographic Products [Slides][Video]
2021-Dec-01 Elisabeth Oswald (AAU); James Howe Side Channels: Attacks, Defences, and Evaluation Schemes (Part 2) [Slides]
2021-Nov-17 Elisabeth Oswald (AAU); James Howe Side Channels: Attacks, Defences, and Evaluation Schemes (Part 1) [Slides]
John Kelsey (NIST) Threshold Hash-Based Signatures  

Michael Davidson (NIST)

Is Bitcoin Outdated? Comparative Cryptocurrency Design and Security  

Randy Easter (NIST), w/ Sylvain Guilley (Secure-IC)

Test methods and metrics for the mitigation of non-invasive attack classes against cryptographic modules specified in ISO/IEC 19790:2012  
2021-Sep-22 Rene Peralta & Angela Robinson (NIST) Covid-19 and Encounter Metrics  
2021-Jul-28 Kerry McKay (NIST) Kolmogorov complexity and its applications  
2021-Jun-30 Ray Perlner (NIST) Intro to lattice reduction attacks on lattice based crypto  
2021-Jun-16 Guilhem Castagnos (University of Bordeaux) Linear homomorphic encryption from class groups of quadratic fields [Slides]
2021-May-19 Daniel Apon (NIST) Post-Quantum Non-Malleable Point Obfuscation  
2021-May-05 Morrie Dworkin (NIST) Two “obvious” properties of circuits for Boolean functions  
2021-Apr-21 Dustin Moody (NIST)

Isogenies, Cryptography, and Bears, Oh My!

2021-Apr-07 John Kelsey (NIST) Random Numbers and You  
2021-Mar-24 Gregor Leander (Ruhr University Bochum) Lower Bounds on Degrees and Arguments against Integral Attacks for Block Ciphers  
2021-Mar-10 Amir Moradi (Ruhr University Bochum) Tools for Verification and Automatic Generation of Secure Hardware Circuits  
2021-Feb-24 Mridul Nandi (Indian Statistical Institute) HMAC deserves more  
2021-Feb-10 Cihangir Tezcan (Middle East Technical University, Turkey) Weak-Key Distinguishers for AES  
2021-Jan-27 Luís Brandão (NIST/Strativia) Notes about some multi-party threshold schemes  
2021-Jan-13 Noah Waller (NIST) Robocalling: STIRRED AND SHAKEN! - An Investigation of Calling Displays on Trust and Answer Rates  
Date Speaker Title
2020-Dec-16 Carl Miller, NIST (VIRTUAL) The Impossibility of Efficient Quantum Weak Coin-Flipping
2020-Dec-02 Xavier Bonnetain, University of Waterloo
Samuel Jaques, University of Oxford
(VIRTUAL) Quantum Period Finding against Symmetric Primitives in Practice
2020-Jul-29 Lauren De Meyer, KU Leuven (VIRTUAL) Design of Symmetric Primitives in the World of Physical Attacks
2020-Jan-29 Meltem Sönmez Turan, NIST Back to Basics: A tutorial on Boolean functions
Date Speaker Title
2019-Dec-18 Justin Thaler (Georgetown University) Interactive Proofs and Zero-Knowledge
2019-Nov-20 John Kelsey Pyramid—A New Hash-Based Signature Scheme
2019-Oct-23 Arka Rai Choudhuri (Johns Hopkins University) Finding a Nash Equilibrium is No Easier than Breaking Fiat-Shamir
2019-Jul-31 IBM Blockchain Group Blockchain in practice: Permissions, security, and real-world use cases
2019-Jun-19 Jintai Ding Cryptanalysis of Lifted Unbalanced Oil Vinegar
(Joint work with Jintai Ding, Kurt Schmidt, Zheng Zhang, Joshua Deaton)
2019-Jun-05 Claude Crépeau Practical Relativistic Zero-Knowledge Proofs for NP
2019-Apr-24 John Kelsey TMPS: Ticket Mediated Password Strengthening
2019-Apr-10 Daniel Apon Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge from (Standard) Learning With Errors -- NIZKs from LWE
2019-Mar-27 Angela Robinson Towards efficient post-quantum zero knowledge proofs
2019-Mar-13 Reham Almukhlifi Linear Cryptanalysis of SIMON 32/64
2019-Feb-13 Foteini Baldimtsi Moving off the blockchain: a payment hub for fast, anonymous off-chain Bitcoin payments
Date Speaker Title
2018-Dec-19 Daniel Apon A Brief Introduction to Oblivious RAM
2018-Nov-07 Muthuramakrishnan (Muthu) Venkitasubramaniam Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Recent progress and an update on the standardization effort
2018-Oct-24 John Kelsey The NIST Beacon Format: An Exercise in Limiting the Power of a TTP
2018-Oct-10 Kerry McKay Authentication and Key Establishment – a Primer
2018-Aug-29 John Kelsey Hash-based Signatures
2018-Jul-18 Luís Brandão Threshold Schemes for Cryptographic Techniques --- a step towards standardization?
2018-Jun-20 Dr. Frank Taylor and Dr. Sean Weaver Cryptol and it’s associated Software Analysis Workbench (SAW)
2018-Jun-06 Kerry McKay Security vs. Performance in TLS
2018-May-23 Nicole Seese Exploring the Utility of the PAQ4 Data Compressor for Min-Entropy Estimation
2018-Apr-25 John Kelsey Random Numbers, Entropy Sources, and You
2018-Feb-28 Sweta Mishra On the Design of Password Hashing Scheme
2018-Jan-31 Kerry McKay Backdoors, Front Doors, and Side Doors - Oh my!
2018-Jan-17 Huijing Gong On the Leakage Resilience of Ideal-Lattice Based Public Key Encryption
Date Speaker Title
2017-Dec-20 Albrecht Petzoldt Improved Cryptanalysis of HFEv- via Projection
2017-Nov-08 Morrie Dworkin Discussion of Vanhoef/Piessens Paper:  "Key Reinstallation Attacks: Forcing Nonce Reuse in WPA2
2017-Oct-25 Nicky Mouha The Iterated Random Function Problem
2017-Oct-11 Daniel Apon Cryptanalysis of Indistinguishability Obfuscations of Circuits over GGH13​​
2017-Sep-13 Peter Mell Cloud Computing - A Historical Perspective on NIST Contributions​
2017-Aug-16 Michael Davidson Smart Contract Security
2017-Aug-02 Pavol Zajac On the explicit reduction between MQ and decoding problems
2017-July-19 Meltem Sonmez-Turan and Cagdas Calik The Multiplicative Complexity of Boolean Functions 
2017-May-24 Jintai Ding RLWE-based authentication and key reuse for RLWE-based key exchanges
2017-May-10 Yehuda Lindell and Avner Mor An Introduction to Secure Multiparty Computation with Applications to Key Protection
2017-Apr-26 Kerry McKay On the Practical (In-)Security of 64-bit Block Ciphers
2017-Apr-12 Qiang Tang _Cliptography: Post-Snowden Cryptography_
2017-Mar-29 Nicky Mouha - The first public collision on SHA-1
2017-Mar-15 Betul Durak Breaking the FF3 Format Preserving Encryption Standard over Small Domains
2017-Mar-01 David Kravitz ABC Blocks: Auditable Blockchain Communications for Securing User and Device Authentication and Authorization
2017-Feb-01 Moses Liskov Accessible Protocol Analysis with the CPSA Tool
Date Speaker Title
2016-Dec-07 Liqun Chen Anonymous Attestation
2016-Nov-23 Nicky Mouha Simpira v2: A Family of Efficient Permutations Using the AES Round Function
2016-Nov-09 Ray Perlner Cost analysis of hash collisions: Will quantum computers make SHARCS obsolete
2016-Oct-26 Nicky Mouha Insights from the NIST Lightweight Cryptography Workshop 2016
2016-Oct-12 Marco Bucci A Fully-Digital Chaos-Based Random Bit Generatory
2016-Sep-28 Carl Miller Generating true randomness from quantum measurements
2016-Sep-14 Charles Bennett Public randomness: harvesting it, using it, and making it trustworthy
2016-Aug-31 Cagdas Calik A Survey on Timed-release Crypto and Crypto Puzzles
2016-Aug-03 Daniel Smith-Tone Multivariate Cryptography with “Big” Algebraic Structures
2016-Jun-22 Dmitry Cousin Uniformity and Entropies
2016-Jun-08 Ray Perlner Key Recovery Attack on the Cubic ABC Simple Matrix Multivariate Encryption Scheme
2016-May-25 Rene Peralta Epsilon-biased Ddistributions, What They Are, How We Construct Them, What Are They Good For
2016-Apr-28 Ludovic Lescieux Laser technologies for IC security evaluation
2016-Apr-13 Angelos Stavrou Leveraging Blockchain-based protocols in IoT systems
2016-Mar-30 Francois Dupressoir Verified Security Proofs for Cryptographic Standards -- SHA3”
2016-Mar-16 Aishwarya Thiruvengadam 10-Round Feistel is Indifferentiable from an Ideal Cipher
2016-Feb-03 Dustin Moody Post-Quantum Cryptography
2016-Jan-20 Sharon Keller Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program
2016-Jan-15 Jean-Phillippe Aumasson Password Hashing Competition
2016-Jan-13 Jacob Alperin Sheriff Lattice-based cryptography
Date Speaker Title
2015-Dec-23 Rene Peralta Random thoughts about randomness, primality, and covering arrays
2015-Dec-09 Meltem Sonmez Turan, Magnus Find Multiplicative Complexity
2015-Oct-14 Morrie Dworkin Chosen-ciphertext attack to XEX
2015-Sep-30 Adam L. Young The Drunk Motorcyclist Protocol for Anonymous Communication
2015-Sep-16 Kerry McKay Not all Exports are Good for the Economy: FREAK and Logjam Attacks
2015-Sep-02 David McGrew Robustness and Transparency in Cryptography
2015-Aug-05 Kerry McKay and Meltem Sonmez Turan Short talks on papers on CRYPTO15
2015-Jul-22 Young-Hoon Park Multicast for mobile networks
2015-Jun-24 Magnus Gausdal Find On Computing the Multiplicative Complexity
2015-Jun-10 Bryan Ford Decentralizing Authorities into Scalable Strongest-Link Cothorities
2015-May-27 Daniel Smith-Tone Polynomial rings and finite fields
2015-May-13 Dustin Moody Breaking the Japanese Codes in World War II
2015-Apr-29 Christine Task Addressing the Problem of Privacy-preserving Social Network Analysis
2015-Apr-15 Dmitry Cousin Why Neural Network Models and What They Can Do?
2015-Mar-18 Kerry McKay Intro to Machine Learning for Cryptologist
2015-Mar-4 Carl Miller and Yaoyun Shi Quantum Random Number Generation
2015-Feb-04 Christine Task Publishing Sensitive Data Safely with Differential Privacy
2015-Jan-21 Morrie Dworkin The Riddle of the Labyrinth
2015-Jan-07 Meltem Sonmez Turan How Random is your RNG
Date Speaker Title
2014-Dec-10 Gedare Bloom MORPH: an FPGA SoC to Defend Against Hardware Trojans
2014-Nov-12 Mike Gault and Ken Zatyko Keyless Signature Infrastructure
2014-Oct-29 Kerry McKay The block cipher Present
2014-Oct-15 Adam O’Neill Relaxed Cryptography for Application-Driven Security
2014-Sep-17 Matt Robshaw UHF RFID, Security, and Future Directions
2014-Aug-06 Meltem Sonmez Turan, Ray Perlner, Allen Roginsky, Apostol Vassilev Crypto Small Talks II
2014-Jul-28 Magnus Gausdal Find The Relationship Between Multiplicative Complexity and Nonlinearity
2014-Jul-23 Yi-Kai Liu, Kerry McKay, Dustin Moody, John Kelsey Crypto Small Talks I
2014-Jun-25 Morrie Dworkin The Riddle of the Labyrinth
2014-Jun-11 Meltem Sonmez Turan Honeywords: Making Password-Cracking Detectable
2014-May-28 Ray Perlner Optimizing Information Set Decoding Algorithms to Attack Cyclosymmetric MDPC Codes
2014-May-14 Dustin Moody Elliptic Curves: Efficiency, Security, and Standards
2014-Apr-30 Vadim Lyubashevsky Lattice Based Cryptography
2014-Apr-16 Kerry McKay I Know Why You Went to the Clinic: Risks and Realization of HTTPS Traffic Analysis
2014-Apr-02 Dr. Jintai Ding Post-Quantum Cryptography - Multivariate Public Key Cryptography
2014-Mar-19 Dr. Tromer, Josh Kanner and Dr. Sasson Moving to a New Paradigm of Trust in Continuous Monitoring of Cloud Computing
2014-Mar-05 Rene Peralta NIST Randomness Beacon
2014-Feb-19 John Kelsey Tor Users Get Routed
Date Speaker Title
2013-Nov-13 Morrie Dworkin How to Share a Secret
2013-Oct-30 Kerry A. McKay Introduction and Analysis of Geometric and Polygram Substitution Ciphers
2013-Sep-18 Santanu Sarkar Cryptanalysis of RSA Variants and Implicit Factorization
2013-Sep-04 Kyle J. Bunch The Use of Homomorphic Encryption Combined with Configurable Computing for Implementing Information Barriers in a Future Inspection Regime
2013-Aug-07 Cagdas Calik Nonlinearity Computation for Sparse Boolean Functions
2013-Jul-24 Sean Weaver Cryptol
2013-Jul-10 John Kelsey Discussion on Bitcoin
2013-Jun-12 Kerry McKay Discussion on TLS
2013-May-22 David McGrew Hash-based Signatures
2013-May-15 Dustin Moody Fully Homomorphic Encryption
2013-Apr-17 Kerry McKay Decrypting Classical Cipher Text Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo
2013-Mar-20 Morris J. Dworkin and Meltem Sonmez Turan Tutorial on Differential Cryptanalysis
2013-Mar-06 Kerem Varici Differential Analysis of the LED Block Cipher
2013-Jan-13 Ray Perlner A Chosen-Ciphertext Attack on the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode
2013-Jan-09 Rene Peralta Four Measures of Nonlinearity
Date Speaker Title
2012-Dec-12 Stefan Lucks, Meltem Sonmez Turan and Morrie Dworkin Authenticated Encryption
2012-Nov-28 Santanu Sarkar Side Channel Attack to Actual Cryptanalysis: Breaking CRT-RSA with Low Weight Decryption Exponents
2012-Nov-07 Stefan Lucks Key Stretching, Memory Consumption, and the Pebbling Game
2012-Oct-31 Oscar Garcia-Morchon Towards Fully Collusion-Resistant ID-based Establishment of Pairwise Keys
2012-Oct-17 Ketan Mehta OPACITY and PLAID Authentication Protocols
2012-Oct-03 Stephen Jordan Classical and Quantum Circuit Obfuscation with Braids
2012-Sept-19 Meltem Sonmez Turan Efficient Dissection of Composite Problems, with Applications to Cryptanalysis, Knapsacks, and Combinatorial Search Problems (Crypto 2012 Best Paper by I. Dinur, O. Dunkelman, N. Keller, A. Shamir)
2012-Aug-09 Morrie Dworkin Any Finite Subgroup of the Multiplicative Group of a Field is Cyclic
2012-July-25 Arnab Roy Big data - WEBINAR
2012-July-11 Peter Mell Overview on Big Data and its Security Implications
2012-June-27 Luís Brandão 1-output 2-party Secure Function Evaluation with Malicious Parties
2012-May-30 Daniel Smith-Tone Differential Properties of MPKCs with Multiple Variable Types
2012-May-16 Arnab Roy Relatively-Sound NIZKs and Password-Based Key-Exchange
2012-May-09 Lars Jonas Andersson System on Card
2012-April-18 Quynh Dang Randomized Hashing
2012-Mar-07 Ray Perlner On Error Correcting Code and Cryptographic Schemes Based on Coding Theory
2012-Feb-21 Dr. Anna Lysyanskaya Authentication without Identification
2012-Feb-08 Lily Chen Security in Mobility
2012-Jan-25 John Kelsey Order Preserving Encryption (OPE)
2012-Jan-08 Ismet Sahin Random Lines Global Optimization Algorithm
Date Speaker Title
2011-Sept-22 Wayne Patterson The Cryptology of Baseball
2011-Sep-14 Filip Zagorski An Absentee Voting System
2011-Aug-03 Yi-Kai Liu Quantum Algorithms for Algebraic Problems
2011-Jul-13 Errol Markland Jr. Implementing Cryptographic Algorithms
2011-Jun-29 John Kelsey Side Channel Attacks
2011-May-18 Cathy Tilton Using Biometrics for Authentications
2011-May-11 Poorvi Vora Paperless Independently-Verifiable Voting
2011-April-27 Tyler Shields Dirty Little Secrets: Mobile Apps Invading Your Privacy - WEBINAR
2011-April-20 Rick Kuhn and Raghu Kacker Combinatorial Testing
2011-April-06 Meltem Sonmez Turan Distance Bounding Protocols
2011-Feb-23 Sheila Frankel Security in IPv6
2011-Feb-09 Serge Egelman It's All About The Benjamins: An empirical study on incentivizing users to ignore security advice
2011-Jan26 Rene Peralta Selective-Disclosure Envelopes: Construction and Applications
Date Speaker Title
2010-Dec-15 Souradyuti Paul Mode of Operations of SHA-2 candidates
2010-Dec-01 John Kelsey Understanding scam victims: seven principles for systems security and The psychology of scams: Provoking and committing errors of judgment papers
2010-Nov-03 Lily Chen Tunneled Authentication
2010-Oct-06 Meltem Sonmez Turan Cryptographic Key Derivation from Passwords
2010-Sep-22 Dustin Moody Verheul’s Theorem and the Security of Pairing-based Cryptography
2010-Jul-28 Mridul Nandi Security Notions and Some Popular Examples of Multi party Protocols
2010-Jul-07 Allen Roginsky Distribution of Prime Numbers
2010-Jun-16 Elaine Barker Transition of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Length
2010-May-05 Francesca Slade Classification of Peer Production: The Identification of Malfeasance on Collaborative Online Systems
2010-Apr-21 John Kelsey Fuzzy Extractors
2010-Apr-07 Kerry McKay Pseudo-linear Statistical Distinguishers for Block Ciphers
2010-Mar-24 Annabelle Lee Smart Grid and Related Security Issues
2010-Mar-10 Lily Chen Authenticated Key Establishment in Practice
2010-Feb-24 Bill MacGregor Chip and Pin Attack
2010-Jan-27 Mridul Nandi Zero Knowledge Proofs
Date Speaker Title
2009-Dec-02 Allen Roginsky Authenticated Key Establishment
2009-Nov-04 Mridul Nandi Primes is in P
2009-Oct-21 Allen Roginsky Introduction to Bloom Filters
2009-Oct-07 Meltem Sonmez Turan Introduction to Feedback Shift Registers
2009-Sep-09 Souradyuti Paul AES Related-Key Attacks
2009-Aug-11 Allen Roginsky Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) and Reduction of DLP over an Elliptic Curve
2009-Jul-29 Mridul Nandi Security Preserved Padding Methods on MD Hash
2009-Jul-08 Radia Perlman Privacy-Preserving DRM
2009-Jun-17 Mridul Nandi Survey on Twenty years of Attack on RSA
2009-Jun-03 John Kelsey Preimage Attacks on JH
2009-May-06 Souradyuti Paul Cryptanalysis of Shavite and EnRupt
2009-Apr-22 Souradyuti Paul Cryptanalysis on MD6 and CubeHash
2009-Apr-08 Ray Perlner Quantum Resistant Public Key Cryptography
2009-Mar-25 Lily Chen Trusted Platform Technologies
2009-Mar-11 Rene Peralta Circuits in Crypto Applications
2009-Jan-28 Mridul Nandi Fast and Secure CBC Type MAC Algorithms
2009-Jan-24 Souradyuti Paul Hash Cryptanalysis
Date Speaker Title
2008-Dec-17 Peter Mell Cloud Computing Horizons
2008-Dec-03 Lee Badger Virtualization Models and Security
2008-Nov-12 Souradyuti Paul Hash Functions
2008-Oct-08 Andrew Regenscheid General Overview of Cryptographic Voting Schemes
2008-Sep-24 Mridul Nandi MAC based on Compression Functions
2008-Aug-27 Allen Roginsky Signcryption
2008-Jul-16 Mridul Nandi Collision-Resistant Hashing: Towards Making
2008-Mar-26 John Kelsey On Hash Functions
2008-Feb-27 Jose A. Montenegro Secure Sealed-Bid Online Auctions Using Discreet Cryptographic Proofs
2008-Feb-13 Morrie Dworkin GCM Mode
2008-Jan-16 John Kelsey Hash functions
Date Speaker Title
2007-Aug-08 John Kelsey Discussions on MD4
2007-Jun-20 John Kelsey Parallel Collision Search
2007-Jun-06 Allen Roginsky RSA Digital Signature and its Security
2007-Apr-23 Katrin Hoeper Security Analysis of EAP Methods
Date Speaker Title
2006-May-09 Rene Peralta Weil Pairing


Luís T. A. N. Brandão - NIST/Strativia


Security and Privacy: cryptography

Activities and Products: groups

Created January 10, 2017, Updated February 05, 2025