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Multi-Party Threshold Cryptography MPTC

Email List (MPTC Forum)

New address (MPTC-forum) for publicly accessible messages: The mailing list was created for public announcements and public conversation about the NIST Multi-Party Threshold Cryptography project.

  • Messages: The MPTC-forum is an unmoderated mailing list; messages sent to this list are immediately distributed to all the addresses on the list, and are by default made publicly available via the email archive. Only members are allowed to post messages to the list, by sending an email to, but anyone can subscribe to become a member of the list.
  • Email archive: New emails are by default added to an archive publicly available at:
  • To subscribe: Send an mail to Upon receiving an automatic response message, click the "Join" link to confirm your subscription request. If having difficulty, send a request instead to "MPTC-forum-subscription-questions (at) nist (dot) gov" (we will then manually add your email address). Note that it is possible to sign up without a gmail address:
  • To unsubscribe: Send an email to

Notes on other lists:

  • The once called single-device track of the threshold cryptography project is now the "masked circuits" project, with its own mailing list: MC-forum
  • An older TC-forum was used when the "threshold cryptography" exploratory project comprised both multi-party and single-device tracks.
  • Other NIST crypto projects have their own mailing lists: PQC-forum, LWC-forum, PEC-forum.

Additional Pages

Email List (MPTC Forum)


Reach us at threshold-MP (at) nist (dot) gov

Luís T. A. N. Brandão - NIST/Strativia

Michael Davidson - NIST

René Peralta - NIST

Dustin Moody - NIST

Created July 26, 2018, Updated February 05, 2025