The multi-party paradigm of threshold cryptography enables threshold schemes, for a secure distribution of trust in the operation of cryptographic primitives.
Using a “secret sharing” mechanism, the secret key is split across multiple "parties". Then, if some (up to a threshold f out of n) of these parties are corrupted, the key secrecy remains uncompromised. The cryptographic operation that depends on the key is then performed via a threshold scheme, using secure multi-party computation (MPC), so that the key does not have to be reconstructed (i.e., the secret-sharing remains in place even during the computation). This threshold approach can be used to distribute trust across various operators, and is also useful to avoid various single-points of failure in the implementation.
Threshold schemes can be applied to any cryptographic primitive, such as key generation, signing, encryption and decryption. The MPTC project will consider devising recommendations and guidelines pertinent to threshold schemes that are interchangeable (in the sense of NISTIR 8214A, Section 2.4) with selected primitives of interest. For example, a threshold-produced signature should be verifiable by the verification algorithm that is used for signatures produced by the conventional (non-threshold) algorithm.
NISTIR 8214C ipd — NIST First Call for multi-party threshold schemes (initial public draft) — was published on 2023-Jan-25. This is the draft of a call that motivates the community of expert stakeholders to submit proposals of threshold schemes (including technical specification, security analysis, open-source reference implementation, performance evaluation) for primitives in two categories:
As detailed in the publication page, a formal period of public comments was open until 2023-April-10 (the compilation was published here). Furthermore, in September 26–28, 2023, NIST organized MPTS 2023, a workshop focused on the topics of the Threshold Call. The upcoming revision of NISTIR 8214C ipd will make several adjustments, including the scope of several subcategories:
The final call (upcoming in 2025) will set a period for collection of high-quality submissions, to which will follow a period of public analysis of the collected reference material. The set of submitted schemes will be analyzed/characterized and the conclusions will support recommendations for subsequent processes, which may include development of technical recommendations and guidelines.
Table 1. Subcategories of interest in Cat1
Subcategory: Type | Families of specifications | Section (in the call) |
C1.1: Signing |
[PreQ] EdDSA sign; ECDSA sign; RSADSA sign [QR stateless] ML-DSA sign; SLH-DSA sign; Falcon (to appear) sign |
A.1 |
C1.2: PKE |
[PreQ] RSA encryption & decryption [QR] ML-KEM encryption & decryption |
A.2 |
C1.3: 2KA | ECC-CDH & ECC-MQV primitives | A.3 |
C1.4: Symmetric |
Key-based: AES (blockcipher) & ASCON (AEAD) encipher and decipher; C/H/K-MAC |
A.4 |
C1.5: Keygen (aka DKG) |
ECC keygen; RSA keygen; bitstring keygen QR keygen for ML, SLH, Falcon, and stateful-HBS |
A.5 |
Legend: 2KA = pair-wise key-agreement; AES = Advanced Encryption Standard; CDH = Cofactor Diffie-Hellman; DKG = Distributed key-generation. ECC = Elliptic-curve cryptography; ECDSA = Elliptic-curve Digital Signature Algorithm; EdDSA = Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm; KC = Key confirmation; KDM = Key derivation mechanism; Keygen = Key-generation; ML = Module Lattice (based). MQV = Menezes-Qu-Vanstone; PKE = Public-key encryption; PQC = Post-Quantum Cryptography. PreQ = pre-quantum; QR = quantum resistant; RSA = Rivest-Shamir-Adleman; RSADSA = RSA digital signature algorithm; stfl-HBS = stateful hash-based signatures.
Table 2. Subcategories and examples of primitives in Cat2
Subcategory: Type | Example scheme | Example primitive |
C2.1: Signing | TF succinct & verifiable-deterministic signatures | Sign |
TF-QR signatures | Sign | |
C2.2: PKE | TF-QR public-key encryption (PKE) | Decrypt; encrypt (a secret value) |
C2.3: KA | Low-round multi-party key-agreement (KA) | Single-party primitives |
C2.4: Symmetric | TF PRP (e.g., blockcipher) or PRF (e.g., for MAC or key-derivation) | Encipher, decipher, MAC |
Hash or XOF | Hash function, XOF | |
C2.5: Keygen | Any of the above or below | Keygen |
C2.6: FHE | QR Fully-homomorphic encryption (FHE) | Decryption; keygens |
C2.7: ZKPoK | ZKPoK of private key | ZKPoK.Generate |
C2.8: Gadgets | Garbled circuit (GC) | GC.generate; GC.evaluate |
TF-QR is a desired combination for any type of scheme; some examples show just TF to convey that it is welcome even if not QR.
Legend: 2KE = pair-wise key-establishment; Keygen = key-generation; PKE = Public-key encryption; PRF = pseudorandom function (family); PRP = pseudorandom permutation (family); QR = quantum resistant; TF = threshold friendly; ZKPoK = Zero-knowledge proof of knowledge.
Note: the initial public draft had "C2.6 = Advanced" (inc. FHE, IBE and ABE), but the 2pd will narrow it down to just FHE.
Note: The old "single-device track" about masked circuits for block-ciphers has become a separate project.
Each NIST-organized workshop has a dedicated webpage with detailed information. These events are also listed in the "Events" page associated with the MPTC project.
NIST Internal Reports (NISTIR):
So far, the main publications in the project are in the form of NIST Internal Reports (NISTIR), elaborated internally at NIST and made publicly available for comments and consultation.
The MPTC project intends to drive an open and transparent process (see IR 7977), welcoming and considering feedback from the community of stakeholders, including researchers and practitioners in academia, industry and government. The project has received useful community feedback about the multi-party threshold setting, including the references listed below:
To receive announcements pertinent to opportunities for collaboration, feedback, and workshops, consider subscribing to the MPTC-forum. The messages are publicly available at
An earlier related call for focused feedback on criteria for threshold schemes (Call 2021a) solicited anticipated comments on the following topics: scope of proposals; security idealization; security vs. adversary types; system model; threshold profiles; building blocks.
The NIST reports on threshold schemes have benefited from public comments, as described in:
Topics of various presentation at NTCW 2019, MPTS 2020, MPTS 2023, WPEC 2024:
Standardization setting: [2019] I1.2 (TC readiness); [2020] 2a1 (MPC settings), 2a2 (composability); [2023] 1a1 (diversity).
Threshold RSA keygen: 1a3 (honest majority threshold schemes).
Threshold ECDSA: [2019] I4.2, I.5.1 (a, b, c); [2020] 3a2, 3a3, 3c1, 3c2; [2023] 1b3, 1b4.
Threshold Schnorr/EdDSA: [2019] II4; [2020] 1b2 (MPC-based), 1b3 (prob.), 1c1; [2023] 1b2 (prob.).
Threshold DL Keygen: [2023] 1b1.
PEC-related: [2023] 2a1, 2a2 and 3c1 (FHE), 2a3 and 2a4 (ZKP), 2a5 (ABE)
Threshold for other primitives: [2023] 1b5 (BLS).
Gadgets / building blocks: [2020]: 2b2+2c1 (garbled circuits), OT (2b1), PCG (2a3), PVSS (1a2); [2023] 3a1 (auth garbling), 3a2 (stacked garbling), 3a3 (garbled lookup tables), 3a4 (VOLE), 3c2 (AONT), 3c3 (VORF), 3c5 (networking).
Platforms/frameworks/endeavors: [2019] I1.3, II4.3; [2020] 3b3 (frameworks), 2c2, 2c3, 2c4, 2c5 (MPC Alliance); [2023] 1a2 (SPDZ), [2024] 3a5 (MPC Alliance).
Theory: [2019] II4.1 (multi-signatures); [2023] 2b3 (random-oracle); [2024] 3a2 (tutorial)
Others applications/comments: [2019] II4.4; [2020] 1b1, 1c4; [2023] 1a3, 2b1 (TLS).
Secret sharing variants: II3.1 (leakage resilient)
Variants: [2019] I4.1 (signatures), II3.2 (symmetric encryption), II4.2 (signing).
NIST presentations:
NIST standards related: [2019] I2.1 (approach), I6.1 (validation) I2.2 (PQC & EC); [2023] 2c1 & 2c2 (PQC), 2c3 (LWC), 2c4 (Validation), 2a0 (PEC tools), 3a0 (gadgets).
Intros about the threshold-crypto project or call: [2019] I1.1, [2020] 1a1; [2023] 101.
Legend of indices:
- For NTCW 2019, indices are Xyz, with X in {I, II} (day), y in {1,…,5} (session in the day), z in {1,2,3}.
- For MPTS 2020 and MPTS 2023, indices are xyz, with x in {0, 1,2,3} (day), y in {a,b,c,d} (session in the day), z in {0,…,5}.
Security and Privacy: digital signatures, encryption, key management, message authentication, post-quantum cryptography, secure hashing
Activities and Products: standards development